[pymvpa] opensuse 11.2 installation

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Sat Jan 16 02:40:46 UTC 2010

pymvpa should be happy to work with python2.6 -- any specific problems?

On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Gui Xue wrote:

>    hi- i wonder how i can install pymvpa on opensuse 11.2.  it has python
>    2.6, but pymvpa requires 2.5.
>    i have thus manually installed python2.5, and now the
>    libpython2.5.so.1.0 is in the /usr/lib directory and python2.5 in the
>    /usr/bin directory. still, pymvpa won't install, either using the rpm
>    or yast.
>    help please!
>    thanks,
>    gui

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