[pymvpa] searchlight gets stuck, issues error
Yaroslav Halchenko
debian at onerussian.com
Wed Feb 3 00:12:19 UTC 2010
make sure that your mask doesn't include any voxel with 0s (i.e. you've
masked them out prior loading with different mask). Or just use 0.4.4
-- that one shouldn't scale C in such cases which would avoid 'getting
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010, Sergey.V.Fogelson at Dartmouth.edu wrote:
> Hello,
> Im running the searchlight algorithm on some data and it gets stuck
> right around 68% complete.
> Ive zscored and detrended the dataset before preprocessing. the
> error that is issued says that the SVM classifier cannot converge
> because of zero norm.
> here's the code ive used to preprocess the data:
> if __debug__:
> debug.active += ["SLC"]
> attr = SampleAttributes('FFA_class_25jan10sf0')
> dataset = NiftiDataset(samples='25jan10sf.nii', labels=attr.labels,
> chunks=attr.chunks, mask = 'mask.nii')
> detrend(dataset, perchunk=True, model="linear", polyord = 1)
> zscore(dataset, perchunk=True,targetdtype= 'float16')
> dataset = dataset.select( labels = [1,2] )
> clf = LinearCSVMC()
> cv = CrossValidatedTransferError(TransferError(clf), NFoldSplitter())
> s1 = Searchlight(cv, radius=9)
> s1_map = s1(dataset)
> orig_s1_map = dataset.mapReverse(N.array(s1_map))
> data_hdr = dataset.niftihdr
> NiftiImage(orig_s1_map,header=data_hdr).save('9mmSL_SVM_tr1_facevshouse.nii.gz')
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