[pymvpa] problem testing out 0.5.0

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Sun Feb 7 02:37:31 UTC 2010

oki doki -- addressed the issue -- bad to have so many things installed
-- hard to trace what else could happen if they aren't there ;)

fix was pushed into master, so you could just do in the pymvpa directory

git pull
# and for paranoid people as I am, although shouldn't be needed for
# those changes we have done recently:
make clean; make

and then you are ready to use current state of our development.

P.S. rpy (used for lars, enet) and rpy2 (used for glmnet) do not play
together nicely, so I would recommend avoiding having both
installed/available . we are on the way of deprecating usage of rpy and
switching to rpy2 whenever applicable

> On Sat, 06 Feb 2010, Chester Fairfield wrote:

> >    Hi,
> >    I have 0.4.3 working fine on my system, and I wanted to try out 0.5. I
> >    followed Yaroslav's advice to the list and cloned using git, ran make
> >    (seemed to go fine), and exported the path. In the same terminal
> >    session, starting python and running 'import mvpa' works, and 'print
> >    mvpa.__version__' gives us '0.5.0.dev'. However, the command:
> >    >>> from mvpa.suite import *
> >    /home/chester/pymvpa/mvpa/base/verbosity.py:19: DeprecationWarning: the
> >    sets module is deprecated
> >      from sets import Set
> >    Traceback (most recent call last):
> >      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
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