[pymvpa] Searchlight speed

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Wed Feb 24 20:52:27 UTC 2010

hard to say...

how do you know that it slows down? by the speed %'s grow?

what if you enable some debug metrices in addition to progress report of
the searchlight, i.e. smth like that (under Linux... so you might tune
up your environment in some different way or just enabling those within
the script: debug.metrics += ['vmem', 'reltime']):

MVPA_DEBUG=SLC MVPA_DEBUG_METRICS=vmem,reltime   your_script.py

and then provide us with some samples at different progress of
execution?  that would point to the actual memory consumption and time
it took for each iteration of searchlight

On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, Dan McNamee wrote:

>    Hi Guys,
>    Great toolbox, keep up the good work. I have a question about speeding
>    up the Searchlight algorithm.
>    When I run the algorithm, it tends to start off quickly and then
>    progressively slow down to a snail's pace. Windows reports that
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Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)onerussian.com
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