[pymvpa] pymvpa publication

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 23:57:27 UTC 2010


On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 03:19:53PM -0700, Jonas Kaplan wrote:
> Dear pymvpa team: 
> I'm happy to report that our first paper using pymvpa has been
> accepted in Nature Neuroscience.  Thanks for all your hard work on
> this software that helped to make this work possible!
> Meyer, K., Kaplan, J.T.,  Essex, R., Webber, C., Damasio, H., &
> Damasio, A. (in press). Predicting visual stimuli based on activity in
> auditory cortices.  Nature Neuroscience.
> (Basically we were able to predict which silent but sound-implying
> video clips people were watching using early auditory cortex,
> indicating that sounds experienced in the "mind's ear" invoke
> content-specific patterns in early auditory cortex.)

Wow! That sounds like a really cool study. Is there a preprint available

Thanks for telling us!


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