[pymvpa] Searchlight question

Per B. Sederberg persed at princeton.edu
Thu Jun 10 13:48:44 UTC 2010

Hi Folks:

I'm gearing up to do a searchlight analysis (with the bleeding edge
development code) and, when reading through the searchlight.py example
(and making some minor corrections to the text), I learned how
center_ids work.  This is an awesome feature, but I wonder if it
should be attached to the searchlight run call instead of to the init

Specifically, we currently set the center_ids like this:

sl = sphere_searchlight(cv, radius=radius, space='voxel_indices',

But might it be better to keep the searchlight instance divorced from
the dataset and pass it in at runtime:

sl_map = sl(ds, center_ids=center_ids)

I have not looked closely at the underlying code, so I don't know if
there is a specific reason it works as it does.  Any thoughts?


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