[pymvpa] biased accuracy with nperlabel='equal'?

David V. Smith david.v.smith at duke.edu
Fri Oct 28 18:16:02 UTC 2011


Just following up on this... I've done some more testing on this problem, and I can permute the labels and still get 55.71%. 

Is this a bug? Why would it be systematically biased when I permute the labels, which are forced to be equal?

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information that will help solve this problem. 


On Oct 23, 2011, at 2:33 PM, David V. Smith wrote:

> Hi,
> I have 140 structural images: 78 are in class A and 62 are in class B. To ensure that the training algorithm (LinearNuSVMC) doesn't build a biased model, I am using the nperlabel='equal' option in my splitter. I know this part of my code is working (see below), so I'm confused why my CVs (leave-one-scan-out) are biased with random data (e.g., 55.71%). Can someone please clarify why I'm not getting 50% with random data? I suspect I'm just not understanding something simple...
> Thanks!
> David
> In [11]: print ds.summary()
> Dataset / float64 140 x 20068
> uniq: 140 chunks 2 labels
> stats: mean=0.114425 std=0.318326 var=0.101332 min=0 max=1
> No details due to large number of labels or chunks. Increase maxc and maxl if desired
> Summary per label across chunks
>  label  mean  std  min max #chunks
>   1    0.443 0.497  0   1     62
>   2    0.557 0.497  0   1     78
> In [10]: print '\n'.join([d.summary() for d in list(NFoldSplitter(nperlabel='equal')(ds))[0]])
> Dataset / float64 122 x 20068
> uniq: 122 chunks 2 labels
> stats: mean=0.107628 std=0.30991 var=0.0960441 min=0 max=1
> No details due to large number of labels or chunks. Increase maxc and maxl if desired
> Summary per label across chunks
>  label mean std min max #chunks
>   1     0.5 0.5  0   1     61
>   2     0.5 0.5  0   1     61
> Dataset / float64 1 x 20068
> uniq: 1 chunks 1 labels
> stats: mean=0.077935 std=0.268069 var=0.0718612 min=0 max=1
> Counts of labels in each chunk:
>  chunks\labels 1.0
>                ---
>      1.0        1
> Summary per label across chunks
>  label mean std min max #chunks
>   1      1   0   1   1     1
> Summary per chunk across labels
>  chunk mean std min max #labels
>   1      1   0   1   1     1
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