[pymvpa] effect size (in lieu of zscore)

J.A. Etzel jetzel at artsci.wustl.edu
Wed Jan 4 23:04:30 UTC 2012

> I had similar feeling -- performance distributions should be pretty
> much a mixture of two:  chance distribution (centered at chance level
> for that task) and some "interesting" one in the right tail, e.g. as we
> have shown in a toy example in
> http://www.pymvpa.org/examples/curvefitting.html#searchlight-accuracy-distributions
That is a pretty figure! But certainly not guaranteed with searchlight 

> indeed that is most often the case, BUT as you have mentioned --
> not always.  Some times "negative preference" becomes too prominent, thus
> giving a histogram the peak below chance.  As you have discussed -
> reasons could be various, but I think that it  might also be due to the
> same fact -- samples are not independent!
Non-independence is definitely a big issue (not the only one, 

> So in turn it might also amplify those confounds you were talking
> about leading to anti-learner effects.
I have datasets (high-level cognitive tasks) in which most people have 
great classification but a few classify well below-chance, both at the 
level of a ROI and in searchlight analyses. This can cause spurious 
results, particularly in the searchlight analysis (because of the 
amplification). It doesn't seem unusual to have a few subjects with 
below-chance classification in large numbers of voxels; I don't think 
the current methods deal with this (or even explain it) very well.


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