[pymvpa] question about cross-subject analysis

John Magnotti john.magnotti at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 17:18:05 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Yaroslav Halchenko
<debian at onerussian.com> wrote:
>> This sometimes works surprisingly well and is fairly straightforward.
> yeap -- but I thought that the main question behind was on how could we
> account for areas where nice (linear) alignment is difficult so
> that union (pretty much your scenario) of voxels across subjects would
> not be ideal either.
the main issue I'm worried about is that if I flatten and then
vstack() timeseries from multiple participants will there be enough
consistency across subjects to make the columns (voxel at a given
time) meaingful.


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