[pymvpa] Tutorial data: did something change?

Michael Hanke mih at debian.org
Fri Jul 4 13:33:06 UTC 2014


On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 01:05:26AM -0500, Shane Hoversten wrote:
> If I'm interpreting your reply correctly, the old tutorial data, with a
> mask_vt.nii.gz that includes 577 features, is supposed to still be
> distributed with PyMVPA 2.31, correct?  Let me check the git repo ... okay,
> a fresh checkout of the git repo is the same -- the only copy of
> mask_vt.nii.gz is in tutorial_data_25mm/data/ and consists of a single
> giant non-zero voxel.
> So it seems as if something has gone wrong, and the data that's supposed to
> be used with the tutorial is no longer shipped with 2.31.  Or else I'm
> doing something wrong in the installation process.  Could you advise?

I think it is worth mentioning that the full tutorial data is a separate
download (substantial size). You don't get that shipped with the source
code. It sounds like you did not obtain it, right?



Michael Hanke

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