[pymvpa] searchlight voxel number towards the edge of the brain

Jingwen Jin jinjingwen111 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 19:35:37 UTC 2014

Hi MVPA folks,

I am running a correlation based searchlight, and I have a couple of

1), When the searchlight sphere get close to the brain edges, it will
include surely fewer number of voxels. Based on my limited readings, I have
not seen how people address this issue. Would somebody help explain how
this should be solved ?

2), Most of the MVPA analyses using searchlight approach are using SVM.
Because of the nature of my hypothesis, I am comparing two correlations:
e.g., if A-B correlation is higher than A-C. Theoretically, I think it
makes sense to run correlation based searchlight. But just want to check is
there a reason for not using correlation based searchlight?

Any answer will be appreciated !!


Jingwen Frances Jin
Department of Psychology
Stony Brook University
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