[pymvpa] every permutation returning the same value
Ben Acland
benacland at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 17:10:36 UTC 2014
Figured it out... you'll notice that the classifiers are using the default sample attribute, "targets," but I'm permuting "sub_group." Since I set "targets" to the same values as "sub_group," swapping out every reference to sub_group after that to 'targets' seems to have done the trick.
On Sep 1, 2014, at 3:31 AM, Nick Oosterhof <nikolaas.oosterhof at unitn.it> wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> On 31 August 2014 22:09, Ben Acland <benacland at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm, I'm trying to follow the same pattern as the tuturial at http://www.pymvpa.org/tutorial_significance.html:
> >>> distr_est = MCNullDist(repeater, tail='left',
> ... measure=null_cv,
> ... enable_ca=['dist_samples'])
> Can you give me a hint as to what I'd need to change?
> I'm not really sure, but would be happy to take a look.
> Could you provide a runnable script (using data either from dataset_wizard or the tutorial data) so I can try and replicate the issue?
> best,
> Nick
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