[pymvpa] Cannot install pyMVPA on Windows 8.1

Frank Van Overwalle frank.vanoverwalle at vub.ac.be
Wed Feb 11 16:00:02 UTC 2015



On two Windows computers using windows 7 and now 8.1, I am unable to install pyMVPA.


1.       I installed Entough  Canopy without problems

2.       When I want to install PyMVPA, the installer says that Python is not in my registry.


Using alternatives such a IPhyton does not work either, because when I want to install pyReadLine, the same error message appears.


So, in a nutshell, what are the steps that I should take to get the most user-friendly interactive windows-like version of PyMVPA? This program looks promising, but unable to install it, I might never be able to use it…


Best regards

Frank Van Overwalle

Social Neuroscience
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