[pymvpa] Problems interpreting GroupClusterThresholding results

Richard Dinga dinga92 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 14:42:00 UTC 2015

> Hi,
> Oh, I had skimmed over the page and had not noticed the algorithm was
> expecting accuracy maps, so I was passing it error maps (thus lower is
> better), hence my confusion.

> I'm performing searchlight support vector regression, not classification,
> so my error goes from 0 to 2 instead of 0 to 1. Can I simply take `2 -
> error` (so higher is better) or does the algorithm require the values to
> lie between 0 and 1?

You can do that, as long as higher is better. Algorithm will just sort
them and find nth biggest value.

> The docs say the accuracy maps must be the result of
> classification, but is there a specific reason regression won't work?

I have no idea :) Original paper doesn't mention regression. Will
p-values and FDR still make sense?
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