Bug#745081: game-data-packager: add support for full versions of wolf3d and spear of destiny

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 13:02:25 UTC 2015

>> If that makes it simpler, I don't mind if it is GPL-2 or GPL-2+.
> The project as a whole is GPL-2 (only) because Jon has not given
> permission otherwise. I'm fine with that; I don't really see anyone
> wanting to reuse the shell scripts etc. elsewhere.

> I'm tempted to put some really permissive license on the YAML files,
> because there's probably very little in there that's even copyrightable
> (the help text? the structure of the file?) - they're mostly "just
> stating facts". Would you be OK with something like this?

For me it's ok !

I was thinking of merging the remaining usefull bits from the control
files in the yaml.

* Section: , Priority: , Architecture: , Multi-Arch: & Maintainer: are
all fixed values
* Package: , Installed-Size: are computed,
* short description = 'data for ' + longname

there only remain to move these data in yaml
- optional version prefix (like "1.42" +39 for RTCW)
- opt. Recommends:
- opt. Suggests:   (but a full package would allways automaticaly
recommends it's expansions)
- opt. Depends:
- opt. Conflicts:
- opt. Provides:
- opt. Breaks:
- Long Description; could it be used as (part of the) help text ?

This needs *relicensing* of those bits too. I guess a 'Recommends:' is
not copyrightable,
but I wouldn't like to rewrite those long descriptions.

I can start adding this feature in parallel to the external .control
file support, starting with S.O.D or Tyrian
where I don't need to ask someone to relicense it; the data would go
under a 'debian:' key like there is now a steam: key.


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