chocolate-doom split

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at
Mon May 4 13:47:10 UTC 2015

2015-05-04 15:41 GMT+02:00 Simon McVittie <smcv at>:
> On 04/05/15 14:32, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
>> So, do I need to represent the fact that chocolate-doom can play about
>> every variant of that game by an alternative dependency chain that
>> looks like this?
>> freedm | doom-shareware-wad | doom-wad | doom2-wad | tnt-wad |
>> plutonia-wad | chexquest-data | hacx-data | game-data-packager
> Recommends: freedm | game-data-packager seems sufficient, tbh.

I'd prefer

Recommends: freedm | doom-wad | doom-shareware-wad | game-data-packager that aptitude/deborphan dont think all the data packages are
useless orphan packages,
and some full game is prefered to the shareware episod

> In the Quake series (darkplaces|quakespasm, yquake2, ioquake3), the
> engines don't depend on data at all: the package that contains the
> appropriate .desktop file depends on both a suitable engine and some
> suitable data.

But there is no "doom" package to pull all the things.

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