[Pkg-giraffe-maintainers] Bug#959151: Bug#959151: kopano-server is built without KCOIDC support

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Fri May 1 07:58:57 BST 2020

Control: tags -1 severity wishlist

Hello Martin,

Am 30.04.20 um 02:01 schrieb Martin Wolf:
> Package: kopano-server
> Is there any chance for enabling KCOIDC during build-time?
> KCOIDC support is necessary for Kopano Meet, otherwise the integration
> doesn't work (e.g. accessing contacts).

currently it's unlikely that kopanoserver will get support for this no
matter if within Debian unstable/testing or even somehow for the stable

Enabling kcoidc support is requiring a packaged version of libkcoidc for
Debian which isn't done yet.


We lacking behind the latest releases of kopanocore already. This is due
time constrains and difficulties to cherry-pick needed fixes for the
current version of kopanocore in testing and trying them to also provide
these for the stable release.

If you want to step up and want try to get libkoidc packaged for Debian
we will happily sponsor any possible upload.
Unfortunately libkcoidc is using some Go stuff which we don't have real
experience with. That's the main reason we don't have done a closer look
at this yet.

Carsten Schoenert

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