Bug#329832: this is grave

Peter Palfrader weasel at debian.org
Fri Sep 23 23:29:08 UTC 2005

Daniel Leidert schrieb am Samstag, dem 24. September 2005:

> Am Freitag, den 23.09.2005, 22:19 +0200 schrieb Peter Palfrader:
> [severity set to grave]
> Why this was set to grave? 'apt-get install -f' runs fine after getting
> the mentioned error message. There was only a file moved from one to
> another package, but the package, which now contains the file was
> unpacked/replaced first, which must result in an error. How do you want
> to avoid such a "problem"?

The usualy solution is to declare a proper replaces in the package which
now contains the used file.

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