[pkg-go] You are not allowed to push code to this project

Alexandre Viau aviau at debian.org
Sat Jun 16 19:08:19 BST 2018

On 2018-06-16 12:28 PM, Tong Sun wrote:
> I should not be blamed for not following something that was not there in
> the first place.

Okay, so I am telling you now. I am providing you with advice, you don't
have to be defensive. It is never too late to improve.

There are currently few examples using the new workflow. If you are
wrong and don't do it exactly how we intend it to work, you will
unnecessarily create work for us because we might have to manually
migrate your repositories.

However, if you use the current (old?) workflow, you can rest assured
that your repository will be migrated by our tools without causing us

> Just cautious people not to *Adopt DEP-14 branch naming
> <https://go-team.pages.debian.net/workflow-changes.html#wf-2017-11-dep14> *should
> be good enough.

What? Why? The new workflow WILL use DEP-14 branches. You can't just
decide not to follow a part of the team standard that you don't like.

Alexandre Viau
aviau at debian.org

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