[pkg-go] Bug#1082048: restic is running forever

Sébastien Hinderer Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org
Sat Sep 21 10:50:12 BST 2024

Hello Félix,

Many thanks for your response.

Félix Sipma (2024/09/19 10:23 +0200):
> Please keep the bug opened, it may also be a Debian specific problem related
> to the version of the backblaze lib (or another lib) we use in Debian.

Sure. I'll let you close it when you judge it is appropriate to do so.

> You should probably give more logs, get a minimal reproducible example, try
> to bisect between different restic or lib versions, etc. if you want this
> bug to be fixed...

To my surprise, the bug has gone. The only thing that changed on my side
is that I am connected to Internet through another provider than
previously. So, I don't know whether the disappearance of the bug is due
to me changing provider, or whether there was another problem which was
intermitent and has itself disappeared, in which case the fact that it
works with another Internet Provider would be just a coincidence.

> "It worked for years but hangs now" is not super useful
> debugging data.

I tend to agree, indeed. Still, I am pretty sure no update occured on
my system between when it worked and when it failed. Also, the few
updates I did didn't change anything.

Lastly, I must say I had no idea how to create a minimal repro case.
Should htat be a repository I would create on purpose on BackBlaze?

To be transparent, I tend to avoid such things because I am blind and
generally speaking dealing with web interfaces is a big struggle.

Thanks again,


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