July 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jul 1 11:28:57 UTC 2015
Ending: Fri Jul 31 23:19:03 UTC 2015
Messages: 800
- Bug#792158: FTBFS: FactoryLocator.java:30: error: package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator does not exist
Chris West (Faux)
- Bug#793582: FTBFS: geronimo/mail/Activator.java: error: package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator does not exist
Chris West (Faux)
- Bug#793586: FTBFS: POM 'org.codehaus.modello:modello-maven-plugin' not found in repository
Chris West (Faux)
- Bug#793715: antlr3 has circular Depends on libstringtemplate4-java
Bill Allombert
- Bug#786378: libguava18-java-doc and libguava-java-doc: error when trying to install together
Andreas Beckmann
- Bug#791613: libguava-java[-doc]: add Breaks+Replaces against libguava18-java[-doc]
Andreas Beckmann
- Bug#791446: liblog4j1.2-java: org/apache/log4j/pattern is missing from .jar.
Hilko Bengen
- Bug#791446: liblog4j1.2-java: org/apache/log4j/pattern is missing from .jar.
Hilko Bengen
- Bug#791446: NMU to DELAYED/5
Hilko Bengen
- Bug#791446: NMU to DELAYED/5
Hilko Bengen
- Bug#791446: NMU to DELAYED/5
Hilko Bengen
- Bug#791957: apache-directory-api: CVE-2015-3250
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Bug#792617: elasticsearch: CVE-2015-5377 CVE-2015-5531
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Bug#774745: Upgrade to maven 3.1.1/3.2.5
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#774745: Upgrade to maven 3.1.1/3.2.5
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#791446: NMU to DELAYED/5
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#791446: NMU to DELAYED/5
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#791446: NMU to DELAYED/5
Emmanuel Bourg
- Wheezy and Jessie backport of scala 2.11.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- Wheezy and Jessie backport of scala 2.11.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [gradle] 05/05: Merge libgradle-core-java and libgradle-plugins-java into gradle
Emmanuel Bourg
- [gradle] 05/05: Merge libgradle-core-java and libgradle-plugins-java into gradle
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#677989: Where is mainstream for bash-completion?
Emmanuel Bourg
- maven_3.3.3-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Emmanuel Bourg
- kryo-serializers_0.22-1_amd64.changes REJECTED
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#792131:
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#792158: FTBFS: FactoryLocator.java:30: error: package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator does not exist
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#792670: androidsdk-ddms: android sdk license appears to violate debian charter
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#792670: androidsdk-ddms: android sdk license appears to violate debian charter
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#792670: androidsdk-ddms: android sdk license appears to violate debian charter
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#792857: CVE-2014-3576
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#706172: antlr3 attempts to install files in /usr/share/maven-repo on building (FTBFS)
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#792857: CVE-2014-3576
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#793492: Should this package be removed?
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#793715: antlr3 has circular Depends on libstringtemplate4-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#793803: add gradle support for javahelper
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#793630: groovy 1.8.6 and libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1 FTBFS
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#794248: cortado: please make the build reproducible
Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#780579: Couldn't find hyphenation pattern for lang="en", country="US".
Joachim Breitner
- Bug#790409: Thanks
Rogério Brito
- Bug#793860: findbugs: Please consider depending on default-jre | java5-runtime
Rogério Brito
- Bug#793398: Remote execution of untrusted code, DoS (CVE-2015-3253)
Luca Bruno
- Bug#793397: Remote execution of untrusted code, DoS (CVE-2015-3253)
Luca Bruno
- Bug#792021: libmaven3-core-java: not installable in sid - libeclipse-aether-java (>= 1.0) does not exist
James Cowgill
- Bug#774745: Upgrade to maven 3.1.1/3.2.5
Hans Joachim Desserud
- Bug#791487: antlr3: Depends on obsolete packages
Hans Joachim Desserud
- Bug#791487: antlr3: Depends on obsolete packages
Hans Joachim Desserud
- Bug#791487: antlr3: Depends on obsolete packages
Hans Joachim Desserud
- Bug#792788: jruby: FTBFS Cannot find parent dependency org.jruby:jruby-artifacts:pom:1.7.21
Hans Joachim Desserud
- Bug#789518: wagon2: FTBFS in sid
Hans Joachim Desserud
- Bug#794248: cortado: please make the build reproducible
- Bug#621464: sweethome3d: "Segmentation fault" on startup
Rainer Dorsch
- Bug#791911: tomcat7: regression causes java.io.EOFException
Etienne Dysli-Metref
- Bug#791487: antlr3: Depends on obsolete packages
Luca Falavigna
- Bug#792676: libpdfbox-java: pdfannotextractor.pl fails to find org.pdfbox.cos.ICOSVisitor class
Álvaro Herrera
- Bug#793630: groovy 1.8.6 and libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1 FTBFS
Paul King
- Bug#793630: groovy 1.8.6 and libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1 FTBFS
Paul King
- Bug#777967: libphonenumber: ftbfs with GCC-5
Matthias Klose
- Bug#793215: antlr: change of type in system_error might break with GCC-5
Matthias Klose
- [gradle] 05/05: Merge libgradle-core-java and libgradle-plugins-java into gradle
Markus Koschany
- Bug#792390: gradle: improve bootstrapping by using groovyc
Markus Koschany
- Bug#792788: jruby: FTBFS Cannot find parent dependency org.jruby:jruby-artifacts:pom:1.7.21
Markus Koschany
- Bug#790741: libapache-poi-java: please make the build reproducible
Chris Lamb
- Bug#789946: FTBFS: Failed to resolve artifact. Missing: org.jruby.extras:jffi:jar:debian
Miguel Landaeta
- [gradle] 05/05: Merge libgradle-core-java and libgradle-plugins-java into gradle
Miguel Landaeta
- maven_3.3.3-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#792146: maven: Fails to build twice in a row
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#792149: polyglot-maven: Package updated/recent releases
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#792150: jruby: Package releases
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#792906: jruby: Please provide jruby-stdlib Maven artifact
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#793398: groovy: Remote execution of untrusted code, DoS (CVE-2015-3253)
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#793630: groovy: FTBFS: ant is passing an invalid flag to groovyc
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#793635: groovy2: FTBFS: Could not find commons-cli:commons-cli:1.2
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#793640: groovy2: FTBFS: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.building.Source
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#793630: groovy 1.8.6 and libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1 FTBFS
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#793630: groovy 1.8.6 and libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1 FTBFS
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#793630: groovy 1.8.6 and libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1 FTBFS
Miguel Landaeta
- maven-compiler-plugin-2.5_2.5.1-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Miguel Landaeta
- maven-compiler-plugin-2.5_2.5.1-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Miguel Landaeta
- Bug#792670: androidsdk-ddms: android sdk license appears to violate debian charter
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Bug#792670: androidsdk-ddms: android sdk license appears to violate debian charter
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Bug#792670: androidsdk-ddms: android sdk license appears to violate debian charter
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Bug#792670: androidsdk-ddms: android sdk license appears to violate debian charter
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Bug#792838: sitemesh: fails to build properly _and_ silently, when LC_ALL is not set
Holger Levsen
- Bug#793500: libhtmlparser-java: /usr/share/doc/libhtmlparser-java-doc/api/ is not always included in the built package
Holger Levsen
- Bug#792130: Version 1.2 is out
Mathieu Malaterre
- Bug#792131: 2.0.1 is out !
Mathieu Malaterre
- Bug#792132: fop 2.0 is out
Mathieu Malaterre
- Bug#792131:
Mathieu Malaterre
- Bug#780579: Couldn't find hyphenation pattern for lang="en", country="US".
Mathieu Malaterre
- Bug#792175: batik 1.8 is out
Mathieu Malaterre
- Bug#792132: org.apache.batik.bridge.DefaultFontFamilyResolver;
Mathieu Malaterre
- Bug#780579: fop jessie backport
Mathieu Malaterre
- Bug#792132: batik ?
Mathieu Malaterre
- Processing of ehcache_2.6.11-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- ehcache_2.6.11-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of apache-directory-server_2.0.0~M15-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- apache-directory-server_2.0.0~M15-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of geronimo-osgi-support_1.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- geronimo-osgi-support_1.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jets3t_0.8.1+dfsg-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jets3t_0.8.1+dfsg-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of geronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec_1.0.1-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- geronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec_1.0.1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of geronimo-ejb-3.2-spec_1.0~alpha-1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- geronimo-ejb-3.2-spec_1.0~alpha-1-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jnr-constants_0.8.6-6_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jffi_1.2.7-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jffi_1.2.7-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jnr-constants_0.8.6-6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- geronimo-ejb-3.2-spec_1.0~alpha-1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of guava-libraries_18.0-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- guava-libraries_18.0-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jffi_1.2.7-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jffi_1.2.7-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of maven-hpi-plugin_1.93-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- maven-hpi-plugin_1.93-3_amd64.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of maven-hpi-plugin_1.93-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- maven-hpi-plugin_1.93-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jackrabbit_2.3.6-1+deb8u1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into proposed-updates->stable-new, proposed-updates
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#790706: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#791495: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#791495: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jackrabbit_2.3.6-1+deb7u1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into oldstable-proposed-updates->oldstable-new, oldstable-proposed-updates
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of ant_1.9.6-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- ant_1.9.6-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of sisu-inject_0.3.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- sisu-inject_0.3.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of sisu-plexus_0.3.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- sisu-plexus_0.3.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of tomcat7_7.0.63-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- tomcat7_7.0.63-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jnr-posix_3.0.10-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jnr-x86asm_1.0.2-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jnr-ffi_1.0.10-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jnr-ffi_1.0.10-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jnr-posix_3.0.10-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jnr-x86asm_1.0.2-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of tomcat8_8.0.24-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- tomcat8_8.0.24-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of plexus-interpolation_1.21-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- plexus-interpolation_1.21-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- apache-directory-api_1.0.0~M20-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of apache-directory-api_1.0.0~M20-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- apache-directory-api_1.0.0~M20-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of plexus-cipher_1.7-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of modello_1.8.3-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- plexus-cipher_1.7-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of modello-maven-plugin_1.8.3-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- modello_1.8.3-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- modello-maven-plugin_1.8.3-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of maven_3.3.3-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- maven_3.3.3-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libxmlenc-java_0.52+dfsg-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libxmlenc-java_0.52+dfsg-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of kryo-serializers_0.22-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- kryo-serializers_0.22-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of maven-invoker-plugin_1.5-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- maven-invoker-plugin_1.5-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of apache-directory-api_1.0.0~M20-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- apache-directory-api_1.0.0~M20-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- kryo-serializers_0.22-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- maven_3.3.3-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of eclipse-aether_1.0.2-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- eclipse-aether_1.0.2-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jruby_1.7.21-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jruby_1.7.21-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#791523: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of gossip_1.8-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- gossip_1.8-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of antlr3_3.2-11_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libcommons-cli-java_1.3.1-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- antlr3_3.2-11_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- libcommons-cli-java_1.3.1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of fop_1.1.dfsg2-2_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- fop_1.1.dfsg2-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of xmlgraphics-commons_2.0.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- xmlgraphics-commons_2.0.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of service-wrapper-java_3.5.26-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- service-wrapper-java_3.5.26-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#792093: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#792093: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of maven_3.3.3-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of java-gnome_4.1.3-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of eclipse-pydev_3.9.2-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- eclipse-pydev_3.9.2-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- java-gnome_4.1.3-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- maven_3.3.3-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of batik_1.8-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- batik_1.8-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#792094: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libfreemarker-java_2.3.23-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libfreemarker-java_2.3.23-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of service-wrapper-java_3.5.26-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- service-wrapper-java_3.5.26-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of lucene-solr_3.6.2+dfsg-6_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- lucene-solr_3.6.2+dfsg-6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of gradle_2.5-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of gradle_2.5-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- gradle_2.5-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#792277: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#792277: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jenkins_1.565.3-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jenkins_1.565.3-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jenkins_1.565.3-6_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jenkins_1.565.3-6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of cobertura-maven-plugin_2.3+dfsg-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- cobertura-maven-plugin_2.3+dfsg-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jakarta-jmeter_2.11-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of eclipselink_2.5.1-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- eclipselink_2.5.1-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jakarta-jmeter_2.11-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of reactive-streams_1.0.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- reactive-streams_1.0.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of batik_1.8-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- batik_1.8-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of fop_2.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of sikuli_1.0~x~rc3.tesseract3-dfsg1-12_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- fop_2.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- sikuli_1.0~x~rc3.tesseract3-dfsg1-12_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of openhft-compiler_2.2.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of openhft-lang_6.1.4-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of openhft-chronicle-queue_2.0.3-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- openhft-chronicle-queue_2.0.3-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- openhft-compiler_2.2.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- openhft-lang_6.1.4-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- openhft-chronicle-queue_2.0.3-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- openhft-compiler_2.2.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- openhft-lang_6.1.4-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- reactive-streams_1.0.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of groovy_1.7.0-4+deb6u1_multi.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- groovy_1.7.0-4+deb6u1_multi.changes ACCEPTED into squeeze-lts
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of stringtemplate4_4.0.6-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- stringtemplate4_4.0.6-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of maven-repo-helper_1.8.12_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- maven-repo-helper_1.8.12_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of shiro_1.2.4-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- shiro_1.2.4-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- stringtemplate4_4.0.6-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of hawtbuf_1.10-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- hawtbuf_1.10-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of stringtemplate4_4.0.8-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- stringtemplate4_4.0.8-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of antlr3_3.5.2-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- antlr3_3.5.2-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of hawtdispatch_1.20-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- hawtdispatch_1.20-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mqtt-client_1.10-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mqtt-client_1.10-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of axmlrpc_1.8.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- axmlrpc_1.8.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of gs-collections_5.1.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- gs-collections_5.1.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- axmlrpc_1.8.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- h2database_1.4.185-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- hawtbuf_1.10-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- hawtdispatch_1.20-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- mqtt-client_1.10-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of openjfx_8u40-b25-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- openjfx_8u40-b25-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of netbeans_8.0.2+dfsg1-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of netbeans_8.0.2+dfsg1-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- netbeans_8.0.2+dfsg1-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libzeus-jscl-java_1.72-1~bpo8+1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libzeus-jscl-java_1.72-1~bpo8+1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of guava-libraries_18.0-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- guava-libraries_18.0-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of zookeeper_3.4.6-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- gs-collections_5.1.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of bookkeeper_4.2.4-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- bookkeeper_4.2.4-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- zookeeper_3.4.6-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of maven-compiler-plugin-2.5_2.5.1-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- maven-compiler-plugin-2.5_2.5.1-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libjide-oss-java_3.6.10+dfsg-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libjide-oss-java_3.6.10+dfsg-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libjide-oss-java_3.6.10+dfsg-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of groovy2_2.2.2+dfsg-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- groovy2_2.2.2+dfsg-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- simple-http_4.1.21-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#792889: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#792889: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- bnd1.50_1.50.0-10_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libjsr305-java_0.1~+svn49-9_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libjsr305-java_0.1~+svn49-9_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of zookeeper_3.4.6-6_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of async-http-client_1.6.5-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libgpars-groovy-java_1.2.1-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- async-http-client_1.6.5-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- libgpars-groovy-java_1.2.1-2_amd64.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- zookeeper_3.4.6-6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- apache-directory-jdbm_2.0.0~M2-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libgpars-groovy-java_1.2.1-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jersey1_1.19-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- jruby-openssl_0.9.7-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- libgpars-groovy-java_1.2.1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of ant-contrib_1.0~b3+svn177-7_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- ant-contrib_1.0~b3+svn177-7_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- apache-directory-server_2.0.0~M15-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jersey1_1.19-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jersey1_1.19-2_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- jersey1_1.19-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jruby_1.7.21-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jruby_1.7.21-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of antlr3_3.5.2-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- antlr3_3.5.2-2_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of logback_1.1.3-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- logback_1.1.3-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- antlr3_3.5.2-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of stringtemplate4_4.0.8-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- stringtemplate4_4.0.8-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of gant_1.9.11-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- gant_1.9.11-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of resteasy_3.0.6-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libjswingreader-java_0.3-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of pirl_2.3.8-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libjswingreader-java_0.3-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- pirl_2.3.8-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- resteasy_3.0.6-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#794208: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#794208: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#780646: Eclipse crashes occasionally
Andreas Messer
- Bug#780646: Workaround
Andreas Messer
- Bug#763943: libphonenumber: FTBFS on arm64
Martin Michlmayr
- Bug#791951: Please support ARM64 (build.xml and src/bin/sh.script.in)
Martin Michlmayr
- Bug#791992: New upstream available
Martin Michlmayr
- Bug#791993: Fails on ARM64: Please port CPU detection to your platform (linux/aarch64)
Martin Michlmayr
- Bug#791951: Please support ARM64 (build.xml and src/bin/sh.script.in)
Martin Michlmayr
- Bug#792857: CVE-2014-3576
Moritz Muehlenhoff
- Bug#793492: Should this package be removed?
Moritz Muehlenhoff
- Bug#793911: groovy should not release with stretch
Moritz Muehlenhoff
- Bug#788471: elasticsearch: CVE-2015-4165: unspecified arbitrary files modification vulnerability
Moritz Mühlenhoff
- Bug#792857: CVE-2014-3576
Moritz Mühlenhoff
- Bug#793492:
Stephen Nelson
- Bug#793803: add gradle support for javahelper
Pirate Praveen
- [Debian-med-packaging] Bug#793369: Any volunteer to maintain JAI that is RC buggy and dead upstream (Was: Bug#793369: jai-core: FTBFS - JPEGImageDecoder.java:29: error: package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg does not exist)
Olivier Sallou
- Bug#792175: Batik 1.8 is out, but incompatible!
Erich Schubert
- Bug#766977: elasticsearch not starting
Nathan D. Smith
- Bug#792243: rhino: man page out of sync with command's help
Carl Suster
- Processed: no patch
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#756487: marked as done (libjets3t-java: Cannot be used as build dependency with maven)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: found 786378 in libguava-java-doc/18.0-3
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#787316: marked as done (CVE-2015-1833)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#791446: liblog4j1.2-java: org/apache/log4j/pattern is missing from .jar.
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#780383: marked as done (libopensaml2-java: CVE-2015-1796)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: FTBFS: Failed to resolve artifact. Missing: org.jruby.extras:jffi:jar:debian
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#787316: marked as done (CVE-2015-1833)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#789511: marked as done (gradle: Please replace dependencies on jaffl with jnr-ffi)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: cloning 786378, reassign -1 to libguava-java, libguava-java-doc, found -1 in 18.0-1 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: affects 791619, reassign 790848 to sponsorship-requests, reassign 791481 to cryptsetup ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#791446: marked as done (liblog4j1.2-java: org/apache/log4j/pattern is missing from .jar.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 774745
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#654119: marked as done (Updating the modello-maven-plugin Uploaders list)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#699637: marked as done (git repo available)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: fixed upstream
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#791957: marked as done (apache-directory-api: CVE-2015-3250)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#774745: marked as done (Upgrade to maven 3.1.1/3.2.5)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#792021: marked as done (libmaven3-core-java: not installable in sid - libeclipse-aether-java (>= 1.0) does not exist)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#771694: marked as done (jruby: Inconsistency between Maven and package dependencies)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: antlr3: Depends on obsolete packages
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: owner 791487
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#791487: marked as done (antlr3: Depends on obsolete packages)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#780579: marked as done (Couldn't find hyphenation pattern for lang="en",country="US".)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: owner 791951
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#792131: marked as done (2.0.1 is out !)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#791951: marked as done (Please support ARM64 (build.xml and src/bin/sh.script.in))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#654121: marked as done (Updating the modello-maven-plugin1.4 Uploaders list)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#704009: marked as done (libmodello-maven-plugin1.4-java: Invalid version in plugin descriptor)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#789510: marked as done (eclipse-pydev: Please replace dependencies on jaffl with jnr-ffi)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#790409: marked as done (eclipse-pydev: pydev is not recognized by eclipse anymore)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#767322: marked as done (java-gnome: FTBFS for ppc64el)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#789851: marked as done (FTBFS: GLib-GObject-WARNING The property GtkButton:use-stock is deprecated)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#780703: marked as done (eclipse-pydev fails to build from source)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#792175: marked as done (batik 1.8 is out)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#606138: marked as done (Allow use of tomcat7-user package with solr-tomcat)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#760927: marked as done (lucene-solr: ftbfs with OpenJDK 8)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#754725: marked as done (gradle: New upstream version available 2.0)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#792158: marked as done (FTBFS: FactoryLocator.java:30: error: package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator does not exist)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: owner 791993, tagging 791993
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: owner 791992, tagging 791992
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 746493
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#786502: marked as done (elasticsearch: Depend on libguava-java instead of libguava18-java)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#788471: marked as done (elasticsearch: CVE-2015-4165: unspecified arbitrary files modification vulnerability)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#784664: marked as done (jenkins: FTBFS: error: package org.mindrot does not exist)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#789946: marked as done (libjenkins-java: has outdated maven dependency information)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 791910, tagging 784778, tagging 789988, tagging 790526, tagging 791771, tagging 790772 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: 752738 notfound in version 1.0.1-1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: 752738 notfound in version 1.0.1-1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#709178: marked as done (fop: Transition to libservlet3.0-java)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#792132: marked as done (fop 2.0 is out)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#789797: marked as done (sikuli-script.sh doesn't contain name of class to execute)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: 752738 notfound in version 1.0.1-1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#792617: marked as done (elasticsearch: CVE-2015-5377 CVE-2015-5531)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#792676: libpdfbox-java: pdfannotextractor.pl fails to find org.pdfbox.cos.ICOSVisitor class
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: libphonenumber: ftbfs with GCC-5
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#635268: marked as done (antlr3: ANTLR3 v3.4 now available)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#643000: marked as done (antlr has newer major version (3.4))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#706172: marked as done (antlr3 attempts to install files in /usr/share/maven-repo on building (FTBFS))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#779973: marked as done (antlr3: Makes forked-daapd FTBFS on mips, hppa and m68k)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#590699: marked as done (antlr3: Add ant task)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 738120, reassign 793197 to src:sparse, reassign 793193 to src:mgltools-pmv, tagging 759232 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: reassign 788294 to rexical, fixed 788294 in 1.0.5-2, found 788294 in 1.0.5-1, affects 788294 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: fixed 790465 in 1.4.3-3, tagging 781920, tagging 780333, tagging 779850, tagging 779829 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#786786: marked as done (libmaven-compiler-plugin-java, libmaven-compiler-plugin-2.5-java: file overwrite: =?UTF-8?Q?[=E2=80=A6]/2.5.1/maven-compiler-plugin-2.5.1.jar?=)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 752581, tagging 768724 ..., tagging 769248, tagging 710909, found 710909 in ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: groovy: Remote execution of untrusted code, DoS (CVE-2015-3253)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#793398: marked as done (Remote execution of untrusted code, DoS (CVE-2015-3253))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#793635: marked as done (groovy2: FTBFS: Could not find commons-cli:commons-cli:1.2)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: found 792857 in 5.6.0+dfsg-1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: groovy: FTBFS: ant is passing an invalid flag to groovyc
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: found 789917 in gfortran-triplet/4.9.2-10.1, tagging 793630, tagging 793631, tagging 713663
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#789509: marked as done (libjnr-posix-java: Please remove this package from the archive)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: groovy 1.8.6 and libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1 FTBFS
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: owner 793860
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#743746: marked as done (jruby: has poor cryptographic support)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#792788: marked as done (jruby: FTBFS Cannot find parent dependency org.jruby:jruby-artifacts:pom:1.7.21)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: retitle 776608 to findbugs: new upstream version 3.0.1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed (with 1 errors): Re: Batik 1.8 is out, but incompatible!
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#793715: marked as done (antlr3 has circular Depends on libstringtemplate4-java)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 793966, tagging 793998, tagging 794128, tagging 793911, tagging 765456, tagging 790464 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#731717: marked as done (gant: Switch maintenance to pkg-java git repository)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Processed (with 1 errors): Re: Batik 1.8 is out, but incompatible!
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#786378: marked as done (libguava18-java-doc and libguava-java-doc: error when trying to install together)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Any volunteer to maintain JAI that is RC buggy and dead upstream (Was: Bug#793369: jai-core: FTBFS - JPEGImageDecoder.java:29: error: package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg does not exist)
Andreas Tille
- [Debian-med-packaging] Bug#793369: Any volunteer to maintain JAI that is RC buggy and dead upstream (Was: Bug#793369: jai-core: FTBFS - JPEGImageDecoder.java:29: error: package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg does not exist)
Andreas Tille
- Wheezy and Jessie backport of scala 2.11.6
Sandro Tosi
- Wheezy and Jessie backport of scala 2.11.6
Sandro Tosi
- Bug#793630: groovy 1.8.6 and libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1 FTBFS
Russel Winder
- freehep-swing changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- freehep-xml changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- gant changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- geronimo-javamail-1.4-spec changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- geronimo-jta-1.1-spec changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- groovy changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- ini4j changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- istack-commons changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- ivy changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jama changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jarjar changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jargs changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jas-plotter changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jatl changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- java-comment-preprocessor changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- java-xmlbuilder changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- javatuples changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jaxb-api changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jcommander changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jcharts changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jdeb changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jasperreports changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jellydoc changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jdependency changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-commons-jelly changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-commons-jexl changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-crypto-util changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-htmlunit-core-js changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-executable-war changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-task-reactor changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-constant-pool-scanner changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-remoting changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-memory-monitor changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-test-annotations changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-trilead-ssh2 changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-winstone changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-xstream changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-htmlunit changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-dom4j changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-json changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jericho-html changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jexcelapi changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-htmlunit changed: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libspring-java changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jline changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jmxetric changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jmock2 changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- joda-convert changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- joptsimple changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jmagick changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jta changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jtidy changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- kdgcommons-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libajaxtags-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libandroid-json-org-java changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jmxetric changed: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jasypt changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libbasicplayer-java changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcobra-java changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcodemodel-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-collections4-java changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-dbcp-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-compress-java changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-discovery-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-el-java changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-fileupload-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-jexl2-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-jxpath-java changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-net1-java changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-logging-java changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libconcurrentlinkedhashmap-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-net2-java changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- cobertura changed: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-javadoc-plugin changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libhibernate-commons-annotations-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- leveldb-java changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- apache-curator changed: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jboss-modules changed: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- groovy2 changed: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjdom2-java changed: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- boilerpipe changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- dtd-parser changed in unstable: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- gant changed in unstable: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-htmlunit-core-js changed in unstable: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libitext-java changed in unstable: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libjson-java changed in unstable: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libjson-java changed in unstable: FTBFS -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jenkins-htmlunit-core-js changed in unstable: FTBFS -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libitext-java changed in unstable: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- dtd-parser changed in unstable: FTBFS -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- shiro changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- apache-mime4j changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libflexdock-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libgettext-commons-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libformula changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libgoogle-gson-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libgnumail-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libhibernate3-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libj2ssh-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjaxen-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libjcalendar-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjdepend-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjcommon-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-compiler-1.0 changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgoodies-common-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgoodies-forms-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgoodies-looks-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgrapht0.8-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjfreechart-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjgraphx-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjlayer-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjlatexmath-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjlha-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjibx1.2-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjrosetta-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libloader changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libmiglayout-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libmp3spi-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libowasp-antisamy-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libowasp-esapi-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libphonenumber changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- antlr3 changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- groovy changed in unstable: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-dependency-tree changed in unstable: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libquartz-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libregexp-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libsequence-library-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- librepository changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libproxool-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libstax-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libswingx-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libvt-ldap-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libxmlrpc3-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libxml-security-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libxmltooling-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libxpp2-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libxpp3-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- lightcouch changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- libyanfs-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- livetribe-jsr223 changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- localizer changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-ant-tasks changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-antrun-extended-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-antrun-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-bundle-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-clean-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-compiler-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-ejb-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-ear-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-embedder changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-doxia-tools changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-enforcer changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-file-management changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-indexer changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-jar-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-project-info-reports-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-replacer-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-reporting-impl changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-repository-builder changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-resources-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-shade-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-shared-io changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-shared-jar changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-site-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-source-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-verifier changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-stapler-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-war-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- mongo-java-driver changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- msv changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- munge-maven-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- mvel changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- metainf-services changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- nekohtml changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- not-yet-commons-ssl changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- opencsv changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- olap4j changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- owasp-java-html-sanitizer changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-active-collections changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-build-api changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-classworlds changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-component-api changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-cli changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-digest changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-i18n changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-interactivity-api changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- jboss-logmanager changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-maven-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-resources changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-sec-dispatcher changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- plexus-utils changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- portlet-api-2.0-spec changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- args4j changed in unstable: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- args4j changed in unstable: FTBFS -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- ant-contrib changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-lang3-java changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- properties-maven-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- practicalxml-java changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- resteasy changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- rngom changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- robust-http-client changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- saxonhe changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- scannotation changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- saxonb changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- sisu-guice changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- simplyhtml changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- sisu-ioc changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- sisu-maven-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- stapler-adjunct-codemirror changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- stapler-adjunct-timeline changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- statcvs changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- stax-ex changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- tiger-types changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- trilead-putty-extension changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- txw2 changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- trove changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- uima-as changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- uima-addons changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- velocity changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- wagon changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- vecmath changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- weupnp changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- werken.xpath changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- wss4j changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- wsdl4j changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- xml-maven-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- xml-commons-external changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- xmlbeans-maven-plugin changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- xsom changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- xom changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- xmlstreambuffer changed in testing: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-plugin-testing changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- velocity-tools changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- gentlyweb-utils changed in testing: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- annotation-indexer changed in unstable: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- carrotsearch-hppc changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- commons-configuration changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- commons-beanutils changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- annotation-indexer changed in unstable: FTBFS -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jruby changed in unstable: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-dbcp-java changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjaxen-java changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjrosetta-java changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libxmlrpc3-java changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libcommons-fileupload-java changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- elasticsearch changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- maven-compiler-plugin changed in testing: FTBFS -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- velocity changed in unstable: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- kxml2 changed in testing: unreproducible -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- velocity changed in testing: FTBFS -> reproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- janino changed in testing: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- robocode changed in testing: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- apache-log4j2 changed in unstable: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- apache-log4j2 changed in unstable: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- josql changed in testing: unreproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- colorpicker changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libdecentxml-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- josql changed in testing: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- libjide-oss-java changed in testing: reproducible -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- pirl changed in unstable: reproducible -> FTBFS
Reproducible builds folks
- surefire changed in testing: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- jgit changed in testing: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- tika changed in testing: FTBFS -> unreproducible
Reproducible builds folks
- Bug#792676: libpdfbox-java: pdfannotextractor.pl fails to find org.pdfbox.cos.ICOSVisitor class
gregor herrmann
- [Branch ~openjdk/openjdk/openjdk8] Rev 646: openjdk-8 (8u66-b01-1) unstable; urgency=medium
noreply at launchpad.net
- Bug#791487: antlr3: Depends on obsolete packages
tony mancill
- Bug#791951: Please support ARM64 (build.xml and src/bin/sh.script.in)
tony mancill
- Bug#791992: gluegen2: New upstream available
tony mancill
- Bug#777967: libphonenumber: ftbfs with GCC-5
tony mancill
- Bug#793860: findbugs: Please consider depending on default-jre | java5-runtime
tony mancill
- Bug#792467: pdfsam: gui perspective is working console perspective isnt...
- gnome-split is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- slashtime is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- java-gnome is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- eclipse-mylyn-tasks-github is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- jenkins-instance-identity is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- jenkins-ssh-cli-auth is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- eclipse-linuxtools is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- eclipse-ptp is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- jsmpp is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- elasticsearch is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- eclipse-mylyn-tasks-github is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- uima-as is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- activemq is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- jython 2.5.3-6 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- scala 2.11.6-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- scala-parser-combinators 1.0.3-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- eclipse-wtp REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- eclipse-ptp 8.1.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- openjfx 8u40-b25-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- user-agent-utils 1.16-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- liboro-java 2.0.8a-11 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mavibot 1.0.0~M1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- netbeans 8.0.2+dfsg1-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libjtype-java 0.1.3-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- ehcache 2.6.11-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- geronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec 1.0.1-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- geronimo-osgi-support 1.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jets3t 0.8.1+dfsg-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jnr-constants 0.8.6-6 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jsmpp REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- geronimo-ejb-3.2-spec 1.0~alpha-1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- guava-libraries 18.0-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- maven-hpi-plugin 1.93-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libopenws-java REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- ant 1.9.6-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- modello-maven-plugin1.4 REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- apache-log4j1.2 1.2.17-6 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- modello1.4 REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- sisu-inject 0.3.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- sisu-plexus 0.3.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jnr-ffi 1.0.10-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jnr-posix 3.0.10-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jnr-x86asm 1.0.2-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- plexus-interpolation 1.21-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- tomcat7 7.0.63-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- tomcat8 8.0.24-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- apache-directory-api 1.0.0~M20-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- apache-log4j-extras1.2 1.2.17-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- kryo-serializers 0.22-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libxmlenc-java 0.52+dfsg-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- maven-invoker-plugin 1.5-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- modello 1.8.3-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- modello-maven-plugin 1.8.3-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- eclipse-aether 1.0.2-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- gossip 1.8-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jruby 1.7.21-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- antlr3 3.2-11 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- fop 1:1.1.dfsg2-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- java-gnome 4.1.3-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libcommons-cli-java 1.3.1-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- maven 3.3.3-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- plexus-compiler 2.4-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libfreemarker-java 2.3.23-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- geronimo-stax-1.2-spec REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- lucene-solr 3.6.2+dfsg-6 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- plexus-cipher 1.7-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- cobertura-maven-plugin 2.3+dfsg-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- eclipselink 2.5.1-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- jakarta-jmeter 2.11-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- elasticsearch 1.6.1+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- openhft-chronicle-queue 2.0.3-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- openhft-compiler 2.2.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- openhft-lang 6.1.4-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- reactive-streams 1.0.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- maven-repo-helper 1.8.12 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- shiro 1.2.4-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- sikuli 1.0~x~rc3.tesseract3-dfsg1-12 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- antlr3 3.5.2-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- groovy2 2.2.2+dfsg-5 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- stringtemplate4 4.0.8-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- axmlrpc 1.8.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- hawtbuf 1.10-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- hawtdispatch 1.20-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mqtt-client 1.10-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- netbeans 8.0.2+dfsg1-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- openjfx 8u40-b25-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- gs-collections 5.1.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- guava-libraries 18.0-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- maven-compiler-plugin 3.2-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- maven-compiler-plugin-2.5 2.5.1-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libjide-oss-java 3.6.10+dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [gradle] 05/05: Merge libgradle-core-java and libgradle-plugins-java into gradle
- [gradle] 05/05: Merge libgradle-core-java and libgradle-plugins-java into gradle
- Missing dependencies of SDK tools
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 23:19:03 UTC 2015
Archived on: Sat Mar 3 23:17:20 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).