[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#902443: Bug#902443: Bug#902443: Please add DAEMON_OPS to the service file

Scott Kitterman debian at kitterman.com
Wed Dec 12 04:51:58 GMT 2018

On Wednesday, December 12, 2018 05:00:32 AM Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On woensdag 12 december 2018 04:47:37 CET Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > > My reaction was in response to "DAEMON_OPTS is never defined"
> > 
> > OK. I guess I should have been clearer:
> > 
> > Never defined in the systemd unit file.
> I agree. Consequently the patch seems incomplete.
> Now your other remark also 'lands' with me. The differences between init
> systems seem undesirable to me. Probably best fixed upstream.

Unfortunately, they are intentional (different design goals/philosophies), so 
it's not particularly solvable (and let's not have this devolve into another 
sysv init versus systemd thread - they are what they are).

Scott K

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