[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#902443: Bug#902443: Bug#902443: Please add DAEMON_OPS to the service file

Alf Gaida agaida at siduction.org
Wed Dec 12 22:10:51 GMT 2018

$DAEMON_OPTS should be empty most of the time - there are several ways
to set them.

/etc/environment, an environment file after the preset in the unit file
- my intention was to have daemon options respected if one has to set
them - most used daemon opts might be:
       -n, --norestore
              Don't restore last core's state
       -d, --debug
              Enable debug output

@Diederik - it wasn't a patch only a question or suggestion - the needed
parts are already implemented here:

The defaults are set in the service file and optional in

├─quasselcore --configdir=/var/lib/quassel
--logfile=/var/log/quassel/core.log --loglevel=Info --port=4242

So if i change PORT=4241 in /etc/default/quasselcore after a service
restart it will look like

├─quasselcore --configdir=/var/lib/quassel
--logfile=/var/log/quassel/core.log --loglevel=Info --port=4241

The only thing missed in the service file is the "placeholder" for
DAEMON_OPTS - and the empty options in /etc/default/quasselcore.

Please trust me that one will need these options from time to time. And
if the options could be changed without changing the service file would
be great.

DAEMON_OPTS="--debug --norestore"

leads too
           └─21277 /usr/bin/quasselcore --configdir=/var/lib/quassel
--logfile=/var/log/quassel/core.log --loglevel=Info --port=4241
--listen=::, --debug --norestore

And i was wrong with ${DAEMON_OPTS} - it should be DAEMON_OPTS,
otherwise it would be limited to one option.

Will prepare a merge request if you agree.

Cheers Alf

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