July 2018 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Jul 1 05:39:12 BST 2018
Ending: Mon Jul 30 15:09:21 BST 2018
Messages: 88
- [Pkg-kde-extras] skrooge 2.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-kde-extras] RE
maria.rueda at inhrr.gob.ve
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Rocale Global Pte
Miss Kanok <>
- [Pkg-kde-extras] konversation 1.7.5-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-kde-extras] The Airbnb Of Teachers, Coaches, Tutors & Private Classes.
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Get Your $400 Free Target Voucher to spend!
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Continental Database
Nancy Anderson
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#864825: gammaray: crashes target program on attach
Gianfranco Costamagna
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processed: gammaray: crashes target program on attach
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#875400: marked as done (gammaray: B-D on qt3d-assimpsceneio-plugin which was removed)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#902098: gammaray: uploaded
Gianfranco Costamagna
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processed: gammaray: uploaded
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processing of gammaray_2.9.0-2.1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-kde-extras] gammaray_2.9.0-2.1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#902098: marked as done (gammaray: Cannot install gammaray on sid, please rebuild it with qt 5.10)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#845786: marked as done (gammaray FTBFS on arm64, armel, mips* and s390x: QFatal in quickinspectortest)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] exiv2_0.25-3.1+deb9u1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into proposed-updates->stable-new
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-kde-extras] exiv2 0.25-4 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Update of exiv2 in stretch
Moritz Mühlenhoff
- [Pkg-kde-extras] exiv2_0.25-3.1+deb9u1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into proposed-updates->stable-new, proposed-updates
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#901706: marked as done (exiv2: CVE-2018-12265)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#901707: marked as done (exiv2: CVE-2018-12264)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Project Funding
- [Pkg-kde-extras] DIKKAT
Sistem Yöneticisi<administrator at ancol.com>
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Investment opportunity
Peter Wong
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processed: reassign 589761 to src:gdbm, fixed 589761 in 1.12-1, reassign 682239 to src:gdbm ..., affects 867921 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Kredit jetzt bewerben
emily at agi.idv.tw
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Documentos para Cidadania Italiana
Italiana Cidadania Já
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Nova M-i-n-i-z-i-n-h-a Chip, agora você vende sem precisar de celular
Minizinha Chip-Uol Afiliados
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#903504: [kaffeine] jerky stream at first play after a fresh boot
Francesco Muzio
- [Pkg-kde-extras] (no subject)
Alice Walton
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Beachtung
Mark Jones
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Project Funding ???
- [Pkg-kde-extras] El acceso al correo electrónico ha sido restringido
Zimbra Webmaster
- [Pkg-kde-extras] [CFP] 2018 Advanced Research on Applied Mathematics and Applied Science in Engineering on 23-25 Oct 2018 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Submission Deadline 31st July 2018!!!
MALTESAS Conferences
- [Pkg-kde-extras] INFORMATION
frankomo222 at gmail.com
- [Pkg-kde-extras] attention Lisandro. Confirmation of subscription
Nicholas D Steeves
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Tender247 - Tender Information - Region Keyword Required
Hardik Agrawal
- [Pkg-kde-extras] 支付宝红包口令时间表, 教你如何领取支付宝大额红包!!!
- [Pkg-kde-extras] attention Lisandro. Confirmation of subscription
Dmitry Shachnev
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#903751: basket: please remove the extra libsoprano-dev build dependency
Pino Toscano
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#903763: exiv2: CVE-2018-14046
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Business Proposal
Mr Alred Chow
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#903813: exiv2: CVE-2018-8976
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- [Pkg-kde-extras] [CFP] Springer- LNEE : 3rd International Symposium of Information and Internet Technology | 20 - 22 November 2018 Bandung, Indonesia, Submission Deadline 31st July 2018!!!
MALTESAS Conferences
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Com a M-i-n-i-z-i-n-h-a do PagSeguro você aceita débito, crédito e refeição! Confira!
PagSeguro – UOLAfiliados
- [Pkg-kde-extras] please contact me through my email ID
Donald Roselin
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processed: raising severity of GCC 8 issues (https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2018/07/msg00252.html)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Darlehensangebot
info at bitinvest.win
- [Pkg-kde-extras] [CFP] 4th Int. Symp. on Tech. Management & Emerging Tech [ISTMET]- Applied Maths & Applied Science in Eng. Int. Conf. [APPEMSE], 18-20 Dec 2018, Langkawi, Malaysia ; Submission Deadline :- 31 August 2018!!!
MALTESAS Conferences
- [Pkg-kde-extras] INVESTMENT OFFER
Mr. Jean Claude Degla
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Loan Offer
Netfield Financial Services
- [Pkg-kde-extras] [bts-link] source package src:exiv2
debian-bts-link at lists.debian.org
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processed: [bts-link] source package src:exiv2
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] The Official Project Management Dictionary 2018
University Executive Center
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Moderninha Plus + PlugPag: ainda mais agilidade para seu negócio!
Moderninha Plus Pagseguro
- [Pkg-kde-extras] AR Job Available,
Jenny Chui
Mrs Bella Yostin Mohammad
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Dear Valued Customer & URGENT RESPONDS NEEDED $$970, 000.00!!!
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#904259: [tellico] persian/arabic script: bracket confusion (due to left-to-right digits and right-to-left characters)
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#904260: [tellico] field "production year" allows no manual entry of persian digits while import through CSV works
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processing of smb4k_2.1.1-1_source.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-kde-extras] smb4k_2.1.1-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#897792: libqaccessibilityclient: ftbfs with GCC-8
Juhani Numminen
- [Pkg-kde-extras] hi
Mrs.Cecilia Alfonso
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processed: tagging 875035, tagging 897792
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Processing of libqaccessibilityclient_0.2.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-kde-extras] libqaccessibilityclient_0.2.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#897792: Bug#897792: libqaccessibilityclient: ftbfs with GCC-8
Maximiliano Curia
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#897792: Bug#897792: Bug#897792: libqaccessibilityclient: ftbfs with GCC-8
Pino Toscano
- [Pkg-kde-extras] ATÉ 75%OFF | Seleção de V-i-n-h-o-s a 24,90 e 29,90 + TRIO Bordeaux por 33 a garrafa. Só hoje!
VINHOS em Destaque
- [Pkg-kde-extras] El tamaño de su buzón ha alcanzado 471.29MB
Zimbra Support
- [Pkg-kde-extras] inquiry about your product
Mr. AL Sahad Mohammed
- [Pkg-kde-extras] ATÉ 75%OFF | Seleção de V-i-n-h-o-s a 24,90 e 29,90 + TRIO Bordeaux por 33 a garrafa. Só hoje
Amo Vinhos
- [Pkg-kde-extras] El tamaño de su buzón ha alcanzado 471.29MB
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Salam Alaikum /ADIA LOAN OFFER
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
- [Pkg-kde-extras] GET BACK IMMEDIATELY.
- [Pkg-kde-extras] ModerninhaPlus + PlugPag: ainda mais agilidade para seu negócio
Moderninha Plus- Uol Afiliados
- [Pkg-kde-extras] smb4k 2.1.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-kde-extras] pkg-kde-extras at lists.alioth.debian.org ¡FELICIDADES DEL GANADOR DEL PREMIO LOTERÍA DE FACEBOOK £ 1,500,000!
Rev Bedig Tersakian
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#904733: quassel-client: takes extremely long to reconnect on flaky network
Paul Gevers
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#904734: quassel-client: should show the past conversion even when off-line
Paul Gevers
- [Pkg-kde-extras] pkg-kde-extras at lists.alioth.debian.org ¡FELICIDADES DEL GANADOR DEL PREMIO LOTERÍA DE FACEBOOK £ 1,500,000!
Rev Bedig Tersakian
- [Pkg-kde-extras] pkg-kde-extras at lists.alioth.debian.org ¡FELICIDADES DEL GANADOR DEL PREMIO LOTERÍA DE FACEBOOK £ 1,500,000!
Rev Bedig Tersakian
- [Pkg-kde-extras] pkg-kde-extras at lists.alioth.debian.org ¡FELICIDADES DEL GANADOR DEL PREMIO LOTERÍA DE FACEBOOK £ 1,500,000!
Rev Bedig Tersakian
- [Pkg-kde-extras] can we discuss
willem at istores.co.za
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Trade Inquiry
Invictus Group
- [Pkg-kde-extras] Greetings,From Mrs Ruth
Mrs Ruth Henry
Last message date:
Mon Jul 30 15:09:21 BST 2018
Archived on: Mon Jul 30 15:47:49 BST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).