[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#1042376: digikam crashes with "Illegal instruction"

Detlef Matthiessen detlef.matthiessen at gmx.de
Mon Aug 14 07:04:30 BST 2023

   Hi Steve,

dm at fluke:/tmp$ g++ matrixtest.cc -I /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5 -msse2 -msse4.1 -fPIC -lQt5Core
dm at fluke:/tmp$ ./a.out


   Just to be sure, I also ran the attached executables, however they are giving me the same result:
dm at fluke:/tmp$ ./test-sse4
dm at fluke:/tmp$ ./test-no-sse4

dm at fluke:/tmp$ g++ --version
g++ (Debian 13.2.0-1) 13.2.0

dm at fluke:~$ cpuid -1 -l1
    version information (1/eax):
       processor type  = primary processor (0)
       family          = 0x6 (6)
       model           = 0xf (15)
       stepping id     = 0xb (11)
       extended family = 0x0 (0)
       extended model  = 0x0 (0)
       (family synth)  = 0x6 (6)
       (model synth)   = 0xf (15)
    miscellaneous (1/ebx):
       process local APIC physical ID = 0x1 (1)
       maximum IDs for CPUs in pkg    = 0x4 (4)
       CLFLUSH line size              = 0x8 (8)
       brand index                    = 0x0 (0)
    brand id = 0x00 (0): unknown
    feature information (1/edx):
       x87 FPU on chip                        = true
       VME: virtual-8086 mode enhancement     = true
       DE: debugging extensions               = true
       PSE: page size extensions              = true
       TSC: time stamp counter                = true
       RDMSR and WRMSR support                = true
       PAE: physical address extensions       = true
       MCE: machine check exception           = true
       CMPXCHG8B inst.                        = true
       APIC on chip                           = true
       SYSENTER and SYSEXIT                   = true
       MTRR: memory type range registers      = true
       PTE global bit                         = true
       MCA: machine check architecture        = true
       CMOV: conditional move/compare instr   = true
       PAT: page attribute table              = true
       PSE-36: page size extension            = true
       PSN: processor serial number           = false
       CLFLUSH instruction                    = true
       DS: debug store                        = true
       ACPI: thermal monitor and clock ctrl   = true
       MMX Technology                         = true
       FXSAVE/FXRSTOR                         = true
       SSE extensions                         = true
       SSE2 extensions                        = true
       SS: self snoop                         = true
       hyper-threading / multi-core supported = true
       TM: therm. monitor                     = true
       IA64                                   = false
       PBE: pending break event               = true
    feature information (1/ecx):
       PNI/SSE3: Prescott New Instructions     = true
       PCLMULDQ instruction                    = false
       DTES64: 64-bit debug store              = true
       MONITOR/MWAIT                           = true
       CPL-qualified debug store               = true
       VMX: virtual machine extensions         = true
       SMX: safer mode extensions              = false
       Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology     = true
       TM2: thermal monitor 2                  = true
       SSSE3 extensions                        = true
       context ID: adaptive or shared L1 data  = false
       SDBG: IA32_DEBUG_INTERFACE              = false
       FMA instruction                         = false
       CMPXCHG16B instruction                  = true
       xTPR disable                            = true
       PDCM: perfmon and debug                 = true
       PCID: process context identifiers       = false
       DCA: direct cache access                = false
       SSE4.1 extensions                       = false
       SSE4.2 extensions                       = false
       x2APIC: extended xAPIC support          = false
       MOVBE instruction                       = false
       POPCNT instruction                      = false
       time stamp counter deadline             = false
       AES instruction                         = false
       XSAVE/XSTOR states                      = false
       OS-enabled XSAVE/XSTOR                  = false
       AVX: advanced vector extensions         = false
       F16C half-precision convert instruction = false
       RDRAND instruction                      = false
       hypervisor guest status                 = false



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