Uploads to lenny and the $KDEHOME dilemma

Peter Eisentraut peter_e at gmx.net
Wed Feb 4 08:45:02 UTC 2009

Armin Berres wrote:
> The question is now: should we
> a) continue to use ~/.kde4 for KDE 4 applications
> b) use ~/.kde for KDE 4 applications.

I'm in favor of b).  I think there are more users interested in (or 
requiring) a smooth upgrade from KDE 3 than users interested in (or 
requiring) a smooth upgrade from KDE 4 in experimental.  For the latter 
group, just document in NEWS.Debian that they should do a "mv .kde4 
.kde" and they're done.

Also, consistency and compatibility with the rest of the world would be 
good to have.

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