[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] privacybadger: Upstream requests regular updates in stable or the removal of the package

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Sat Aug 29 16:32:40 BST 2020


Am 29.08.20 um 16:57 schrieb Michael Meskes:
> Can we actually still sideload extensions? The recent firefox update
> seems to have broken all extensions. If we cannot, where's the point
> for packaging. If we can, we might want to talk to the release team
> about this.

It is possible to upload new versions to stable via point updates. I did
that for dispmua and ublock-origin but only because both were broken in
stable. I don't want to do it every time when upstream makes a new
release which happens frequently for privacybadger and ublock-origin.
I'm ok with updating ublock-origin on a regular basis but in general I
believe packaging browser addons is not something that really aligns
with Debian's philosophy, there is just no long term supported version
and the code changes rapidly because of web browser changes and new ways
to circumvent ad-blockers and privacy tools.


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