[SCM] FFmpeg packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/0.svn20090119-38-g4098a63

Loïc Minier lool at dooz.org
Mon Jan 26 09:09:46 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> 1) We need two separate shlibs.local files, one for ffmpeg-debian and 
> one for ffmpeg with the *-unstripped* libraries (as we have two 
> separate debian/control for these two cases). The way it is now, it 
> still allows to mix up stripped and unstripped libraries and we have 
> not yet tested if this works (I suppose it doesn't).

 That's a consequence of using a shlibs.local file; with the
 debian/control or debian/rules approach we would have an easier time
 adapting, no?

> 2) You have losen the dependencies to ">=". Again, the striking part 
> of my proposal was the strict "=" dependency. As soon as Marillat (or 
> whoever) releases a snapshot newer than ours, the benefit of the 
> shlibs.local file will be void, if it introduces only the relaxed 
> dependencies. Newer snapshot will always satisfy (>= 
> ${source:Upstream-Version}) and then we'll again end up with the 
> mix-up that we initially wanted to avoid.

 It was actually my suggestion; I understand better why you want strict
 deps (I didn't take the Marillat use case into account, but just the
 internal ABI breakage), and I guess it's a valid use case.  Are you
 certain we want strict deps on the Debian revision all the time?  I
 understand that we might change ABI with a patch, but most of the time
 we wont.

Loïc Minier

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