nvidia-settings broken now when using official nvidia *.run installed driver

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Wed Jun 1 18:50:29 UTC 2011

On 2011-06-01 18:50, VDR User wrote:
> Hi.  Up until recently nvidia-settings worked fine with official
> drivers from nvidia (via their *.run installer).  An "upgrade" to
> nvidia-settings broke that.  Please give this some attention at your
> earliest convenience.  It makes no sense why users should be forced to
> install debian nvidia driver packages (and all the junk dependencies)
> when it was working fine before.  Maybe somebody can enlighten me as
> to why breaking the compatibility was a good idea.

Maybe you can enlighten us and tell what's broken?
Please use 'reportbug' for reporting the bug.

If you like to use the *.run installer directly, why did you install the
nvidia-settings package? The *.run already installs a copy of


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