nvidia driver does not work under xen-hypervisor -status?

Lukasz Szybalski szybalski at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 16:34:52 UTC 2011

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Goswin von Brederlow <goswin-v-b at web.de> wrote:
> Lukasz Szybalski <szybalski at gmail.com> writes:
>> Hello,
>> What is the conclusion of this bug?
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=570365
>> Debian squeeze, xen and nvidia driver are not supported and will not
>> work in this release?
> I'm pretty sure it doesn't work in squeeze and is not going to change
> there. Or did the point release contain updates for nvidia?
> But it should be working in wheezy or when you use a newer kernel and
> nvidia on squeeze (backports?).

I have installed the "wheezy" nvidia driver and it still does not work
with current 2.6.32 kernel. So future version of debian will probably
not work as well.  The module compiles fine for me using m-a, but Xorg
is running at 100% cpu and I get black screen. Unable to do anything.
Its a "grave" situation :(

>> What is causing the problem? Is it nvidia driver? Is there a version
>> of nvida driver where this issue is fixed?
> For me it was that the nvidia module would conflict with
> CONFIG_XEN*. They simply failed to build even when following some
> workarounds I found with google.
>> Is there a workaround or patch?
> Try it with the latest kernel+driver and google if you have problems. I
> hope the issue is fixed upstream by now but I simply haven't had time to
> setup a test system to try again yet.
> So what needs to happen now is that someone tries this again and reports
> back.
>> What needs to happen for this to work in squeeze?
> Don't expect it to work in squeeze but it should be fixable with
> backports (if it isn't fixed already). Again, someone needs to test and
> report back.
>> Bug was marked as upstream/won't fix. What does that mean for users?
>> Thanks,
>> Lucas
> MfG
>        Goswin


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