nvidia-graphics-drivers missing in Testing

Diederik de Haas didi.debian at cknow.org
Fri Nov 25 00:23:25 UTC 2011

On Thursday 24 November 2011 21:37:46 GrzeĊ› Andruszkiewicz wrote:
> Hi,
> The web page:
> http://packages.debian.org/source/wheezy/nvidia-graphics-drivers suggests
> that the version 280.13.really.275.36-1 should be available, but I get:
> ga at grzes:~$ aptitude versions nvidia-graphics-drivers
> E: No such package "nvidia-graphics-drivers".
> What am I doing wrong?

nvidia-graphics-drivers is a source package, while the aptitude command would list binary packages.
If you change the command to "aptitude versions nvidia-glx" you will get what you expected. You can 
replace nvidia-glx with any of the binary package names you found on that web page.


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