[pkg-php-pear] Let's reconsider the way Symfony2 Components are packaged for Debian

Daniel Beyer dabe at deb.ymc.ch
Tue Sep 9 05:28:22 UTC 2014

Hi David,

On Mon, 2014-09-08 at 13:50 -0400, David Prévot wrote:
> Hi,
> I may push some fixes along those lines if I feel they make sense after
> actually diving into the packaging (if you haven’t answer or fixed them
> until there, of course). Is it OK if I push them to master, or do you
> prefer in separate branch(es) for review? Stuff can always be reverted
> if you disagree anyway.

Thanks that would be really welcome and please push them directly to
master. I care about d/copyright first, before getting back d/rules and
the rest. Additionally you might want to wait with updating Description:
fields in d/control, till I get back the revised version from my
colleague Ben, which I think will be today in the late afternoon (CEST,
which should be about noon in your TZ).

> Regards
> David
> P.-S.: I’m happy to do my best in order to help uploading this package
> in shape ASAP, but realize that it’s really late regarding the upcoming
> freeze. We should thus get prepared to be disappointed in case
> ftpmasters do not have time to process it in time (and I’m happy to try
> and bribe them after a few weeks if possible, but still, it’s late).

I understand and really appreciate your efforts. Count me in with
helping updating and maintaining the already existing php-symfony*
packages in case the new packaging does not make it into Debian in time
for Jessie.

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