[pkg-php-pear] Laravel stack update [Was: The fun begins]

Katharina Drexel katharina.drexel at bfh.ch
Wed Jul 13 10:14:44 BST 2022

For rolling out an asset tool we are interested of the second-last major version of laravel (8x).
(9x is going to be something bigger as parts of the symfony suite have to be touched.)

I found the thread [1] where some efforts have already taken to build all needed dependencies.
Based on this I analyzed which packages are still missing and that are not that many:
    php-ramsey-uuid ^4.2.2 <-> php-ramsey-uuid/unstable 3.9.3-2
    php-vlucas-phpdotenv ^5.4.1 <-> php-vlucas-phpdotenv/unstable 3.6.7-2
    voku/portable-ascii: ^1.6.1 <-> php-voku-portable-ascii/unstable 1.5.6-1

Here are some merge requests concerning new versions:
(sorry for the pristine-tar confusion in the php-ramsey-uuid, not sure why the pipeline has problems now for the actual branch)

- https://salsa.debian.org/php-team/pear/php-ramsey-uuid/-/merge_requests/2
- https://salsa.debian.org/php-team/pear/php-ramsey-uuid/-/merge_requests/3

- https://salsa.debian.org/php-team/pear/php-vlucas-phpdotenv/-/merge_requests/2

- https://salsa.debian.org/php-team/pear/php-voku-portable-ascii/-/merge_requests/2

( egulias/email-validator is considered too new [egulias/email-validator: ^2.1.10 <-> php-email-validator/unstable 3.2.1-1]. As I see no need to downgrade the existing package, this has been solved by a patch[2].)

If all merges done, the php-laravel-framework could be updated itself:

I built and installed the packages, which worked without any problems, but I can't judge at the moment if and how good this version is in different applications.
So maybe someone else should test as well and if applicable merge.





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