[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, experimental, updated. debian/2.6.8-1-844-g7ec39d5
Brice Figureau
brice-puppet at daysofwonder.com
Tue May 10 07:59:24 UTC 2011
The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit ce1865f3d0bdcdf89d18e746806645b2b84b5252
Author: Brice Figureau <brice-puppet at daysofwonder.com>
Date: Sun Oct 17 16:21:12 2010 +0200
Fix #5023 - puppet-load multiple nodes support
This patch allows puppet-load to compile multiple nodes catalog.
This is done by using multiple --node. Puppet-load will use round-robin
to chose which nodes catalog to ask for a given simulated client.
It is also possible to pass a directory of facts yaml file in which
puppet-load will load given --node facts file.
This can work only if #5020 is applied to the puppetmaster first.
Signed-off-by: Brice Figureau <brice-puppet at daysofwonder.com>
diff --git a/ext/puppet-load.rb b/ext/puppet-load.rb
index 110282d..24437c1 100644
--- a/ext/puppet-load.rb
+++ b/ext/puppet-load.rb
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# puppet-load [-d|--debug] [--concurrency <num>] [--repeat <num>] [-V|--version] [-v|--verbose]
# [--node <host.domain.com>] [--facts <factfile>] [--cert <certfile>] [--key <keyfile>]
-# [--server <server.domain.com>]
+# [--factsdir <factsdir>] [--server <server.domain.com>]
# = Description
@@ -35,8 +35,9 @@
# Set the puppet master hostname or IP address..
# node::
-# Set the fully-qualified domain name of the client. This is only used for
-# certificate purposes, but can be used to override the discovered hostname.
+# Set the fully-qualified domain name of the client. This option can be given multiple
+# times. In this case puppet-load will ask for catalog compilation of all the given nodes
+# on a round robin way.
# help::
# Print this help message
@@ -46,6 +47,11 @@
# file as found in the clientyaml directory. If none are provided, puppet-load
# will look by itself using Puppet facts indirector.
+# factsdir::
+# Specify a directory where the yaml facts files can be found. If provided puppet-load
+# will look up facts in this directory. If not found it will resort to using Puppet Facts
+# indirector.
# cert::
# This option is mandatory. It should be set to the cert PEM file that will be used
# to quthenticate the client connections.
@@ -70,8 +76,9 @@
# = Example usage
# 1) On the master host, generate a new certificate and private key for our test host:
-# puppet ca --generate puppet-load.domain.com [*]
+# puppet ca --generate puppet-load.domain.com
# 2) Copy the cert and key to the puppet-load host (which can be the same as the master one)
@@ -81,7 +88,7 @@
# allow $1
# allow puppet-load.domain.com
-# 4) launch the master
+# 4) launch the master(s)
# 5) Prepare or get a fact file. One way to get one is to look on the master in $vardir/yaml/ for the host
# you want to simulate.
@@ -89,12 +96,30 @@
# 5) launch puppet-load
# puppet-load -debug --node server.domain.com --server master.domain.com --facts server.domain.com.yaml --concurrency 2 --repeat 20
-# [*]: unfortunately at this stage Puppet trusts the certname of the connecting node more than
-# than the node name request paramater. It means that the master will compile
-# the puppet-load node and not the --node given.
+# 1) On the master host, generate a new certificate and private key for our test host:
+# puppet ca --generate puppet-load.domain.com
+# 2) Copy the cert and key to the puppet-load host (which can be the same as the master one)
+# 3) On the master host edit or create the auth.conf so that the catalog ACL match:
+# path ~ ^/catalog/([^/]+)$
+# method find
+# allow $1
+# allow puppet-load.domain.com
+# 4) launch the master(s)
+# 5) Prepare or get a fact file. One way to get one is to look on the master in $vardir/yaml/ for the host
+# you want to simulate.
+# 5) launch puppet-load
+# puppet-load -debug --node server1.domain.com --node server2.domain.com --node server3.domain.com \
+# --server master.domain.com --factsdir /var/lib/puppet/yaml/facts --concurrency 2 --repeat 20
+# puppet-load will load facts file in the --factsdir directory based on the node name.
# = TODO
-# * Allow to simulate any different nodes
# * More output stats for error connections (ie report errors, HTTP code...)
@@ -115,6 +140,7 @@ $cmdargs = [
[ "--concurrency", "-c", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--node", "-n", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--facts", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--factsdir", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--repeat", "-r", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--cert", "-C", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--key", "-k", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
@@ -131,14 +157,15 @@ Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:console)
times = {}
def read_facts(file)
- YAML.load(File.read(file))
+ Puppet.debug("reading facts from: #{file}")
+ fact = YAML.load(File.read(file))
result = GetoptLong.new(*$cmdargs)
$args = {}
-$options = {:repeat => 1, :concurrency => 1, :pause => false, :cert => nil, :key => nil, :timeout => 180, :masterport => 8140}
+$options = {:repeat => 1, :concurrency => 1, :pause => false, :cert => nil, :key => nil, :timeout => 180, :masterport => 8140, :node => [], :factsdir => nil}
result.each { |opt,arg|
@@ -151,7 +178,9 @@ begin
when "--node"
- $options[:node] = arg
+ $options[:node] << arg
+ when "--factsdir"
+ $options[:factsdir] = arg
when "--server"
$options[:server] = arg
when "--masterport"
@@ -192,21 +221,24 @@ unless $options[:cert] and $options[:key]
raise "--cert and --key are mandatory to authenticate the client"
-unless $options[:facts] and facts = read_facts($options[:facts])
- unless facts = Puppet::Node::Facts.find($options[:node])
- raise "Could not find facts for %s" % $options[:node]
- end
+parameters = []
-unless $options[:node]
+unless $options[:node].size > 0
raise "--node is a mandatory argument. It tells to the master what node to compile"
-facts.values["fqdn"] = $options[:node]
-facts.values["hostname"] = $options[:node].sub(/\..+/, '')
-facts.values["domain"] = $options[:node].sub(/^[^.]+\./, '')
+$options[:node].each do |node|
+ factfile = $options[:factsdir] ? File.join($options[:factsdir], node + ".yaml") : $options[:facts]
+ unless fact = read_facts(factfile) or fact = Puppet::Node::Facts.find(node)
+ raise "Could not find facts for %s" % node
+ end
+ fact.values["fqdn"] = node
+ fact.values["hostname"] = node.sub(/\..+/, '')
+ fact.values["domain"] = node.sub(/^[^.]+\./, '')
+ parameters << {:facts_format => "b64_zlib_yaml", :facts => CGI.escape(fact.render(:b64_zlib_yaml))}
-parameters = {:facts_format => "b64_zlib_yaml", :facts => CGI.escape(facts.render(:b64_zlib_yaml))}
class RequestPool
include EventMachine::Deferrable
@@ -233,17 +265,19 @@ class RequestPool
def spawn_request(index)
- EventMachine::HttpRequest.new("https://#{$options[:server]}:#{$options[:masterport]}/production/catalog/#{$options[:node]}").get(
+ nodeidx = index % $options[:node].size
+ node = $options[:node][nodeidx]
+ EventMachine::HttpRequest.new("https://#{$options[:server]}:#{$options[:masterport]}/production/catalog/#{node}").get(
:port => $options[:masterport],
- :query => @parameters,
+ :query => @parameters[nodeidx],
:timeout => $options[:timeout],
:head => { "Accept" => "pson, yaml, b64_zlib_yaml, marshal, dot, raw", "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip, deflate" },
:ssl => { :private_key_file => $options[:key],
:cert_chain_file => $options[:cert],
:verify_peer => false } ) do
- Puppet.debug("starting client #{index}")
@times[index] = Time.now
@sizes[index] = 0
+ Puppet.debug("starting client #{index} for #{node}")
Puppet packaging for Debian
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