[Pkg-samba-maint] backuppc autopkgtest failing with the samba-4.16 packages

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Fri Apr 8 18:35:29 BST 2022


I see the backuppc autopkg test is failing with the samba 4.16 packages,
while it apparently worked with the previous samba release.

It is failing right at the beginning, here:

XferErr cmdExecOrEval: about to exec /usr/bin/smbclient \\\\localhost\\public -U  -E -d 1 -c tarmode\ full -mSMB3 -Tc -
tarExtract: /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarExtract: got Full = 1
tarExtract: /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarExtract starting... (XferLogLevel = 1)
tarExtract: ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@000000 ^@000000/Password for [WORKGROUP\]:./tmp.SLO3wU: checksum error at
__bpc_progress_fileCnt__ 0
   new        0       0/0           0 ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@000000 ^@000000/Password for [WORKGROUP\]:./tmp.SLO3wU -> 2262 14224052230 011147
tarExtract: 103
tarExtract: 104
tarExtract: 105
tarExtract: 106
tarExtract: 107
tarExtract: 108
tarExtract: 109
tarExtract: 110
tarExtract: 111
and from this point on, there is just an insane amount of
"tarExtract" lines, some with errors like this:

tarExtract: 14/: checksum error at
   new       22      21/7          24

until, at the very end, we see this:

__bpc_progress_fileCnt__ 6690
tarExtract: Done: 8918 errors, 3659 filesExist, 1182600 sizeExist, 360882 sizeExistComp, 3980 filesTotal, 1593860 sizeTotal, 321 filesNew, 411260 
sizeNew, 40098 sizeNewComp, 2499 inodeLast
dump failed: BackupPC_tarExtract exited with fail status 256

I don't see the same "Password for [WORKGROUP\] message with the previous
version of samba. This might be root the issue.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with backuppc at all, never ever
heard about it until now.  It'd be very good to have some helping
hand here, what the test wants from samba and in which environment
it is running it.  Can you take a look at https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/samba
for the backuppc regressions listed there?

BTW, that is a HUGE output in the log :)

Thank you!


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