need help for vdr-plugin-burn-0.0.4b

Peter Siering
04 Dec 2004 15:17:23 +0100


On Fri, 2004-12-03 at 12:49, Sebastian Ortwein wrote:
> deb sarge main
> deb-src sarge main
> packages are vdr-plugin-burn and m2vrequantizer

great - after a short look at the source there are some bits missing
(debian/copyright is still pointing to another package) and some things
could be integrated that have become common for packaging for vdr-Debian
these days (patchlevel for different binary versions). 

Would you like to change those on your own our should I do? Should we
inject the package into CVS?

Any objections on this? vdr-plugin-burn will pull some packages not part
of official Debian - may be never part of (i.e. transcode)? 
