Preliminary debian packages for GNU uCommon and GNU SIP Witch

David Sugar dyfet at
Mon Jul 28 13:42:40 UTC 2008

These are preliminary debian packages for GNU sipwitch and ucommon,
which have not been packaged in Debian as yet as far as I am aware.  The
ucommon one seems to build correctly.  Both are based on current policy
guidelines, and I hope should be easy to change for "official" packages...

GNU SIP Witch is a pure SIP-based office telephone call server that
supports generic phone system features as well as offering SIP specific
capabilities such as presence and messaging. It performs no media
operations and hence supports secure telephone extensions for
intercept/decrypt-free peer-to-peer audio and video extensions (for
example using ZRTP) rather than operating as a b2bua the way asterisk,
bayonne, freeswitch, or yate generally do.

GNU uCommon is the successor library to GNU Common C++.

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