Bug#1032807: [INTL:ro] Romanian debconf templates translation of mumble

Remus-Gabriel Chelu remusgabriel.chelu at disroot.org
Tue Apr 9 23:11:18 BST 2024

Hello Chris,

În 08.04.2024 22:22, Chris Knadle a scris:

> Is it as simple as renaming the mumble_debconf_ro.po file to ro.po and 
> moving it to debian/po/ro.po ?

Yes, this is the way to introduce translation within the project, or, 
even simpler:

mv mumble_debconf_ro.po debian/po/ro.po

renaming and moving into a single command.


PS: Sorry for the inconvenience caused, I grouped into my machine 
several translation files (of
several programs) in the same folder, for their own convenience; so I 
had to differentiate them
somehow from each other, and I chose to prefix their names with the name 
of the program for which
they are made.

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