[sane-devel] Scanning negatives with Epson Perferction 1260 Photo

Olaf Meeuwissen olaf at zen.epkowa.co.jp
Mon Aug 4 02:55:25 BST 2003

On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 09:55:13AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I just tried yesterday to make and install iscan-1.5.2, and I think 
> I've fixed the .dll and the epkowa files in sane.d, but neither 
> xsane, sane-find-scanner nor scan-image -L shows it.
> Suggestions appreciated, other than boiling my head :)

Hi Gene,

First and foremost question: what does `iscan` say?  Does it find your 

Looks like you compiled your own from the tarball.  Where did you 
install the backend?  It had better where all the other backends are 
installed or you need to fiddle with LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  When testing 
during development, I routinely install somewhere below $HOME and then 
run iscan after exporting that variable (just setting it on the command 
line does not work).
So let's say I

  $ ./configure --prefix=/home/olaf/tmp/iscan
  $ make
  $ make install	# installing in $HOME, no need for root!

then I need to

  $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/olaf/tmp/iscan/lib/sane:/home/olaf/tmp/iscan/lib

before iscan (or any other frontend for that matter) can find the 
backend.  All other sane backends on my system are in /usr/lib/sane 
which is where they are for most of the more common distributions.
# SCO UnitedLinux is an exception ...

BTW, 1.5.3 is out and there are even packages for gcc-3.x systems.  I 
seem to remember you griping about their absence ;-}

If you install from RPM the %post (postinst for you Debian fans) takes 
care of the required modifications and iscan should work out-of-the-box 
on most systems and distributions with SCSI and USB scanners.  You do 
need access to the device of course.
# The RPM spec file is in the SRPM (will be added to the tarball).

Some semi-random thoughts:

  Does `grep epkowa /etc/sane.d/dll.conf` show an uncommented entry for 
  What does your /etc/sane.d/epkowa.conf look like?

Hope that helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen                            EPSON KOWA Corporation, ECS
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