[sane-devel] HP ScanJet 4100C - assertion failed
m. allan noah
Thu, 9 Oct 2003 17:11:16 -0400 (EDT)
On Thu, 9 Oct 2003, Peter Kirchgessner wrote:
> Hi,
> the debug log shows lots of times a "read failed. End of file reached".
> Please try the current CVS-version of the hp-backend. I just added a
> retry for that case.
> You can also try to get around the USB-scanner module and work directly
> with libusb. This sometimes works better. Make sure that the module
> scanner is not loaded. Rename the object
> /lib/modules/2.4*/kernel/drivers/usb/scanner.o to scanner.o_save
> Then connect the scanner with your machine. It should be recognized. Try
> to scan.
this does not work on rh9, the scanner.o_save module will still be
added to modules.usbmap when the box boots, and it will actually modprobe
the module, even with the changed name, after the next re-boot. i would
recommend that you move the object up to /lib/modules/`uname -r`
> Sincerely
> Peter
> Yves Martin schrieb:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm trying to use my usb scanner 4100C to my Linux - vanilla 2.4.21
> > with some patches (software suspend, ACPI, ntfs, supermount)
> > I have checked that the USB scanner module is available.
> >
> > When I connect my scanner, it appears in /proc/bus/usb/devices and the
> > 'scanner' driver in /proc/bus/usb/drivers. I'm using devfs and devusbfs.
> >
> > I have libusb 1.6a (from Mandrake 9.1), I have compiled sane-backends
> > from sources 1.0.12 in /usr/local and my /usr/local/etc/sane/hp.conf
> > contains "usb 0x03f0 0x0101"
> > [ I have removed packages with old sane backends from Mdk 9.1 to avoid
> > conflicts ]
> >
> > So I ran sane-find-scanner:
> > checking /dev/usb/scanner0... open ok, vendor and product ids were identified
> > found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0101) at /dev/usb/scanner0
> >
> > Then scanimage -L aborts with the message:
> > scanimage: hp-option.c:3661: hp_optset_fix_geometry_options: Assertion `tl_x &&
> > tl_y && br_x && br_y' failed.
> > Aborted (core dumped)
> >
> > The first run of scanimage is fast - and core dumped. The second run is really,
> > really slow - but core dumped too with the same message.
> > Then the device does not appear any longer:
> > /dev/usb/scanner0 does not exist ?? connect/disconnect changes nothing ??
> > I have to reboot my Linux to get back the device !!
> >
> > What's wrong ? Do I have to patch something in my kernel ?
> >
> > In attachment, the complete scanimage -L stdout/sdterr with
> >
> > Thank you in advance for your help
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