[sane-devel] [TRANSLATION] French translation update
Stéphane VOLTZ
stefdev at modulonet.fr
Thu Aug 31 06:18:22 UTC 2006
Le mercredi 30 août 2006 21:06, Yann E. MORIN a écrit :
> Hello there!
> Since my previous message didn't show up on the list (waiting for moderator
> approval because of size), here's my update to the french translation.
> Please review & comment.
> Regards,
> Yann E. MORIN.
> PS. Below the text of my previous mail:
> > After more than three years (sorry for that long a time, I strictly use
> > english MMIs), here is an updated version of the french translation for
> > the sane backends.
> >
> > The only messages not translated are very technical in essence and would
> > need professional graphics knowledge (I'm just a amateur here).
> >
> > Please comment.
> >
> > Because I only recently re-enabled my subscription, I haven't followed
> > what's happening here. So if you did arrange for any other way to submit
> > translations, please tell me, I'll do it.
> YEM.
I've noticed a few typos in the messages (along with a few comments):
- 20: plutot => plutôt
- 136: grosière => grossière
- 145, 147: Positon => Position , numérosation => numérisation
- 162: RGB => RVB
- 210: Mets => Met
- 214: avane => avant
- 364: mauellement => manuellement
- 366: ducache => du cache
- 386: bleuss => bleus
- 394: CEtte => Cette
- 395: numériseur => scanner, nobody uses numériseur nowadays. I would also
made it consistent with the general use for other occurrences of scanner.
- 402: "Griser" sounds inappropriate to me (we aren't drunken, don't we? :-),
although quite used by people in IT. I personnaly would have translated
by "Rendre en gris" or something like that.
- 435: Froce => Force
- 440, 441, 442, 470: échantillonage => échantillonnage , BTW, why
not "résolution" ?
- 509: etre => être
- 536: qualibration => calibration
- 566: empécher => empêcher
- 576, 577: RGB => RVB
- 592: auto;atic => automatique
- 594: numèrisation => numérisation, lescarrés => les carrés
- 596: not a typo but "Inversion petit/grand indien" would better
be "Inversion poids fort/faible" or something like that
- 597: 1- => 16
- 610: abhérantes => aberrantes , BTW I think the translation for fuzzy
should be "flou" or "approximatif".
- 613: méchanisme => mécanisme
- 614: descipteur => descripteur
- 615: appel a => appel à
- 626: status => statut
- 639: Untié => Unité
- 652: vurgule => virgule
- 655: caratèers => caractères
- 657, 659: caratère => caractère
Also, halftoning is not consistently translated, sometimes it is "demi-ton"
and others "demi-teinte".
These need to be fixed before any check-in.
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