[sane-devel] Epson 4490 in Debian

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmx.net
Wed Jun 14 07:09:58 UTC 2006

Julien BLACHE wrote:
>>If something like that would materialise, I suggest we also drag in
>>the CUPS and ghostscript packagers to get the EPSON AVASYS printer
>>drivers on the right track as well.
>># Johannes Meixner has already contacted us, Till Kamppeter just did.
> That'd be nice indeed. I don't know if the printer drivers are
> packaged in Debian, but they certainly could be once they'll be free
> :)

The free printer drivers from Epson Avasys are packaged in Debian, as
they are built into ESP GhostScript ("gs-esp").


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