[sane-devel] The future of the SANE-Standard

m. allan noah kitno455 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 21:37:59 UTC 2007

On Dec 21, 2007 4:12 PM, Oliver Rauch <Oliver.Rauch at rauch-domain.de> wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 21.12.2007, 20:53 +0100 schrieb Alessandro Zummo:
> > On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 14:45:25 -0500
> > "m. allan noah" <kitno455 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > if i understand your list, there is a 4th option- add and _inform_ by
> > > SONAME/version# change.
> > >
> > > Bumping the SONAME seems to be the only way to make the outside world
> > > aware that they should inspect their code for compatibility, but even
> > > if they do not, it will still work, since these new frame types will
> > > not be the default case. It also prevents us from having to do any
> > > modifications to the dozens of existing backends that wont have the
> > > new frame types or options. (unlike b and c).
> >
> >
> >  well, yes, that works too. I the hope that the outside world
> >  will care :)
> >
> In the moment I would bet on the outside world.
> At least the active part of the inside world does not seem to care ;)
> The proposals/discussions I read in the last hours are worse than
> everything that I expected when I predicted the chaos.
> "Only adding some new frame types" and now discussing to add new
> api functions. And letting the sane standard at version 1.x. while
> changing the api.

and again- if you would reread the thread, you will see that it is
just a discussion, and that we are in the process of shooting it down

> Did anyone of you read the SANE-standard 1.0?
> Did anyone of you ever created a standard?

and have you ever worked in a team? people have to explore the
possibilites to be sure they are applying their efforts in the most
efficient fashion. In the end, we will arrive at a rough consensus,
AND running code.

> I don`t know what I can say or do.
> My hope is that someone who knows what he does gets active and
> directs this disaster into the right way... or stopps all this.
> In the meanwhile I will look for a new project or hobby....
> ... this one seems to die. (But I still pray for it).

you want to know what you can say or do?

1. You can stop insisting that SANE2 is the only mechanism by which
sane can improve.

2. You can acknowledge that we are attempting to find a compromise
that suits your needs AND ours.

3. You can ENGAGE in this discussion instead of threatening to 'quit
the project'.

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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