[sane-devel] Fujitsu fi-60F small document scanner

Rob Shortt rob at tvcentric.com
Fri Jun 29 16:44:47 UTC 2007

Rob Shortt wrote:
> I have put my notes on the web, including my pic of the board with all
> of the major chips labeled:  http://tvcentric.com/notes/fi-60F/

Hi again everyone.  I really need to get this scanner going (I bet
you've heard that before!), so I am going to move forward on it myself.

Just to reitterate, this scanner has an Epson chipset, and also requires
firmware.  I was able to get the firmware file from the windows drivers.
 Please revisit the above link if you're interested.

This machine dual boots to windows and I have a usbsnoop log of
connecting the device.  I will be capturing some more logs but first I
need to learn how to read them.

Can anyone lead me to some docs in how to best put these logs to use?
What should I be looking for, register addresses and such?  Does the log
format help much in analyzing the commands?

Thank you for any further help!


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