[sane-devel] Sane Permissions libusb and libsane.rules
m. allan noah
kitno455 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 11:21:15 UTC 2009
I'm not sure about Centos 5.3, but later versions of fedora have
stopped using udev, and use .fdi files in /usr/share/hal/fdi instead.
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Simon Matter<simon.matter at invoca.ch> wrote:
>> I am running sane as root without issue. Cannot access it from other
>> users. I have an Epson Perfection 640U scanner attached.
>> I've read the readme file and followed the directions. I copied the
>> libsane.rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d with the name 60-libsane.rules. I
>> have a scanner group which contains my users. The rules file has the same
>> file permissions as the others in /etc/udev/rules.d.
> Are you runnning the SANE version delivered with CentOS 5.3? If so you
> sould not simply copy another libsane.rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d.
> The rules file shipped with current SANE versions doesn't fit the udev
> version delivered with CentOS 5.3.
> That's why I said if you are using SANE from CentOS 5.3 you could just
> edit the existing rules file to make it aware of your scanner group.
> Regards,
> Simon
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