[sane-devel] 55-libsane.rules
Olaf Meeuwissen
olaf.meeuwissen at avasys.jp
Tue Jun 21 23:19:01 UTC 2011
Johannes Meixner <jsmeix at suse.de> writes:
> Hello,
> On Jun 21 08:48 Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
>> Simon Becherer <simon at becherer.de> writes:
>>> Hi there, you wrote:
>>> (inside /etc/udev/rules.d/55-libsane-rules)
>>> # If the scanner is supported by sane-backends, please mail the entry to
>>> # the sane-devel mailing list (sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org).
>>> here there is the line for my "epson gt 10000+ scanner (scsi)":
>>> # Epson GT-10000+
>>> KERNEL=="sg[0-9]*", ATTRS{type}=="3", ATTRS{vendor}=="EPSON",
>>> ATTRS{model}=="SCANNER GT-10000", MODE="0664", GROUP="lp",
>>> ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
>>> added the line in an suse 11.4 system, because the /dev/sg7 on which
>>> my scanner was was root/root
>>> with that line it is root/lp and i can use it as user.
>> Access permissions such as mode and group settings are distribution
>> policy specific things, not something that SANE forces upon anyone.
>> So this is really a SUSE issue.
>> IIRC, SUSE wants you to use YaST to configure your scanner. That ought
>> to take care of whatever is necessary.
> Two times no.
> Since HAL has gone to hell (hooray!) YaST does no longer need
> to do awkward stuff to try to set scanner device permissions.
Good! Glad to see that's no longer needed.
> Nowadays we rely on udev and its rules files to do "the right thing".
> But when even "the right thing" fails, YaST provides a workaround,
> see "... scanner access permissions via udev" at
> http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Configuring_Scanners
> We use the udev device entries from the SANE project "as is",
> i.e. we do not add or remove device entries but we modify
> the default permissions from the SANE project for the device entries.
> In particular we modify the permissions as Simon Becherer needs:
> ... MODE="0664", GROUP="lp", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
> [...snip...]
> Conclusion:
> An ATTRS{type}=="3" udev rule is missing at the SANE project
> for the SCSI scanner device "EPSON" "SCANNER GT-10000".
Sorry missed the ATTRS{type} bit.
> Perhaps the Epson people could provide a list of all their
> SCSI scanner devices with ATTRS{type}=="3" to the SANE project
> so that such issues would be solved by those who initially
> cause the trouble by making and selling somewhat crippled devices
> which do not fulfill the requirements to be real SCSI scanners.
I suggested a different, less cumbersome approach in a previous mail to
the list ;-)
Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2 FLOSS Engineer -- AVASYS CORPORATION
FSF Associate Member #1962 Help support software freedom
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