[sane-devel] infoprint 1650 mfp

m. allan noah kitno455 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 14:19:36 UTC 2011

Well, you could start by telling us the brand name, Ricoh perhaps?
Second, perhaps you could get a wireshark trace of the windows driver
making a small, low resolution network scan? Make sure you capture the
entire packet length. Then compress that log, and put it up on the web
where we can reach it. Perhaps someone will recognize the protocol.


On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 10:05 AM, Ilan Tal <ilan.tal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I may be asking something impossible. If so, please let me know.
> I have an infoprint 1650 mfp printer/scanner which is on a LAN, stand alone
> and not connected to any particular computer. The printer part works just
> fine, out-of-the-box. The scanner part is another story. SANE doesn't detect
> the scanner.
> In Windows there is a "scanback" program which basically puts a "protocol"
> on the printer by which the user put the document into the scanner, presses
> a button on the scanner and the document is scanned and a pdf file is
> shipped over the LAN to the Windows PC. Thus it seems clear that Windows too
> doesn't directly see the scanner. Apparently this is the reason SANE doesn't
> see it either.
> Since Windows has a solution, I would like a solution for Ubuntu as well.
> Otherwise one is stuck with Windows. I wonder if anyone has any ideas on
> what might be available, or how to solve the problem?
> Thanks,
> Ilan
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