[sane-devel] Canon MX 725 network problems

HelpHelp helphelp at ecohilfe.de
Fri Aug 22 20:59:00 UTC 2014

Hello Louis,

your were absolutely right. I tried it out with usb, and there it is the 
same. So it might be a problem
with the pixma driver in general.
Should I open a new bug report, or could we solve the problem here?

you can find the logs here

sane-usb: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12003240/logs/sane-usb.log
sane-lan: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12003240/logs/sane.network.log

Thank you!


On 21.08.2014 13:53, Louis Lagendijk wrote:
> On Thu, 2014-08-21 at 13:24 +0200, HelpHelp wrote:
>> Hello Luis,
>> was the last log not helpful? I forgot to mention that I had attached it
>> this morning in the mail. I made the log
>> with SANE_DEBUG_BJNP=11.
>> I will put the log again in the attachment. If you need another one, i
>> can give it to you this evening because I am at work right now.
>> Regards
> I indeed missed the attachement. I see some execeptions thrown by
> Gscan2pdf (the lines starting with ***). Will look into this when I get
> some time (probably not before Saturday).
> This looks like some problem with the button support. Can you please get
> me a trace with BOTH
> ans
> set at the same time?
> This problem does not occur over USB (just to be sure)?
> Thanks, Louis

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