[sane-devel] What does basic support mean on the supported devices page for Plustek Opticbook 3600?

Alex ARNAUD alexarnaud at hypra.fr
Mon Apr 9 15:39:02 BST 2018

Le 09/04/2018 à 14:50, Olaf Meeuwissen a écrit :
> The meaning of "basic" and other status classifiers are explained in the
> Legend at the bottom of the page.  There's a link near the top, BTW.

Thank you very much.

> for the latest information.  FWIW, the support status of the scanner you
> mentioned has *not* changed.

What is the reason that make a device support to basic? The lack of time 
or the lack of documentation? In another word, if I tell to my user that 
his scanner works, if some feature is missing, could we collaborate 
together to implement them or is it impossible?

Best regards,

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