[Soc-coordination] Remaining applications that need reviewing

Sergio Talens-Oliag sto at debian.org
Wed Apr 4 22:28:06 UTC 2007

El Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 08:21:59PM +0200, Andreas Tille va escriure:
> Hi,
> I volunteered to mentor CDDT (toolkit for Custom Debian Distributions)
> project, but I'm completely confused about the mentoring page.  There
> was an applicant (I do not remember the name any more) that got
> -2 rating by tbm and -1 by somebody else but I added the comment that
> I would be willing to mentor if the applicant would commit that he has
> read and understand the relevant documents that describe the work
> to do.  My comment was not added to the page at first time and I
> added it a second time.  Now the original page was replaced by
> a  new one with rewritten description (according to my memory) and
> a different applicant with different ratings at
>   http://code.google.com/soc/debian/app.html?csaid=ORoLAxlYQCALGBQJEgJdHSIKNUlcEVNSUSddaUlcElsCUnBcaw%3D%3D%0A
> Is there some kind of history?  I do not really like to add my comments
> a third time (and perhaps more) and I would like to get an overview
> what happened with the application.

Hi Andreas,

There were two applicants:

- Andrei Oprisan: currently on page 3, with a -2 score. I asked him questions
  and got no answer, anyway I've asked again to see if there is something.

- Marco Gario: currently the first one on the Iniligible page.  I talked with
  him on the #debian-custom IRC channel and after some questions he told me
  that he felt that he was not going to be the right person for the job and
  it seems that he has cancelled his application.

I'll try to review other projects tomorrow, if I get the time (this weekend
I've been out of order thanks to a virus).



Sergio Talens-Oliag <sto at debian.org>   <http://people.debian.org/~sto/>
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